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Satellite Alert Messages

The following messages give you information about NOAA's satellite operations, including various product changes, upgrades and outages.
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This page shows the 100 most recent messages. To view older messages, please choose the year and month from the menu above.

Messages for November 2021

blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Metop HRPT Data Loss - Issued: November 01, 2021 1503Z
blue ballProduct Correction: Outage/Anomaly: Metop HRPT Data Loss - Issued: November 01, 2021 1550Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 01, 2021 - Issued: November 01, 2021 1651Z
blue ballAdministrative: Correction: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 01, 2021 - Issued: November 01, 2021 1654Z
blue ballAdministrative: Cancelled: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 01, 2021 - Issued: November 01, 2021 1654Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Metop HRPT Data Loss - Issued: November 02, 2021 1025Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #3- Metop-A is planned to be decommissioned in November 2021 - Issued: November 2, 2021 1330 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 1, 2021 - Issued: November 2, 2021 2220Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Eumetsat Alert Message 2021-11-02 23:00:56 : GDS-Metop-B - Issued November 02, 2021 2308Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 3, 2021 - Issued: November 3, 2021 1142Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 EXIS Off-point Calibration (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) scheduled for November 7, 2021 - Issued: November 3, 2021 1218Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 EXIS FOV Mapping (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) scheduled for November 5, 2021 - Issued: November 3, 2021 1225Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 EXIS Cruciform Scan (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) scheduled for November 6, 2021 - Issued: November 3, 2021 1227Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 EXIS Readout Noise Calibration (impacts EXIS and SUVI data) scheduled for November 9, 2021 - Issued: November 3, 2021 1231Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Update#1): GOES-17 ABI Best Detector Select V-V Collection Scheduled for November 4, 1900 UTC Issued: November 3, 1554 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Update #3 - GOES-17 (GOES-West) ABI Mode 3 Cooling Timeline Implementation October 10, 2021 – November 11, 2021, Issued: November 3, 2021 1603 UTC
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule_Issued:_November 4, 2021_1325 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 4, 2021 - Issued: November 4, 2021 1333Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #3: Implementation of GOES-16 and GOES-17 Reduced Level Soundings (Legacy Vertical Temperature and Moisture Profile Products on November 5, 2021, Issued: November 4, 2021 1503 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 44 Issue 2 (Announcements: Update of 7521) Issued: November 04, 2021 1528Z
blue ballAdministrative: JPSS CGS NSOF A slots 3&4 , Windows Security Patching(Live Ops) - Issued: November 04, 2021 1538Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 45, Issued: November 04, 2021 1655Z
blue ballAdministrative: Jason-3 Operational Geophysical Data Records (OGDRs) Maneuver Scheduled for November 7, 2021, Issued - November 4, 2021 1705Z
blue ballAdministrative: ESPC Network Maintenance - NCWCP Nexus Switches NX-OS software upgrades Scheduled for November 8, 2021 - Issued: November 4, 2021 1740Z
blue ballAdministrative: Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System(MSPPS) Retirement on February 1, 2021 - Issued November 3, 2020 1900 OTC
blue ballAdministrative: (Update#2): GOES-17 ABI Best Detector Select V-V Collection Scheduled for November 10, 1930 UTC Issued: November 4, 2021 1908 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 ABI solar calibration scan Scheduled for November 13, 2021 Issued: November 4, 1925 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1: ESPC Network Maintenance - NCWCP Nexus Switches NX-OS software upgrades Scheduled for November 8, 2021 - Issued: November 4, 2021 1932Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 ABI solar calibration scan Scheduled for November 13, 2021 Issued: November 4, 1936 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 ABI solar calibration scan Scheduled for November 13, 2021 Issued: November 4, 1943 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Update #4 - Supplemental GOES-15 operations scheduled for August 4- November 5, 2021 - Issued November 4, 2021 1950 UTC
blue ballProduct/Outage Anomaly: JPSS N20 Data Delay - Issued: November 05, 2021 0222Z
blue ballProduct/Outage Anomaly: Update #1: JPSS N20 Data Delay - Issued: November 05, 2021 0436Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 5, 2021 - Issued: November 5, 2021 0532Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Eumetsat Alert Message 2021-11-02 23:00:56 : GDS-Metop-B - Issued November 05, 2021 1039Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 5, 2021 - Issued: November 5, 2021 1218Z
blue ballAdministrative: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 45 Issue 2 (Announcements: Addition of 7543 to 7545, Update of 7526) Issued: November 05, 2021 1437Z
blue ballAdministrative : JPSS CGS NSOF A slot 1 Windows Security Patching(Live Ops) Issued : November 05, 2021 1442Z
blue ballAdministrative : CrIS on S-NPP Software Updates scheduled for December 06, 2021 - Issued : November 05, 2021 1523Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Eumetsat Alert Message 2021-11-05 17:00:38 : GDS-Metop-B - Issued November 05, 2021 1708Z
blue ballAdministrative : S-NPP Flying out of Nominal Ground Track Box - Issued : November 05, 2021 1732Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #4: Implementation of GOES-16 and GOES-17 Reduced Level Soundings (Legacy Vertical Temperature and Moisture Profile Products) on November 8, 2021, Issued: November 5, 2021 1822 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Lunar Trending Calibration Scans scheduled for November - Issued November 05, 2021 1840Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 06, 2021 - Issued: November 06, 2021 1154Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 7, 2021 - Issued: November 7, 2021 1133Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 7, 2021 - Issued: November 7, 2021 1849Z
blue ballAdministrative: Correction: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 7, 2021 - Issued: November 7, 2021 1854Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 08, 2021 - Issued: November 08, 2021 1242Z
blue ballSubject: Administrative: ESPC Network Maintenance Issued: November 08, 2021 1507Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: N19 SBUV/2 data Products Issued November 08, 2021 1630Z
blue ballAdministrative : JPSS CGS NSOF Common, IDMZ, MDMZ, Windows Security Patching (Live Ops), Issued : November 08, 2021 1654Z
blue ballAdministrative : JPSS CGS NSOF A slot 2 , Windows Security Patching(Live Ops), Issued: November 08, 2021 1700Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #5: Implementation of GOES-16 and GOES-17 Reduced Level Soundings (Legacy Vertical Temperature and Moisture Profile Products) on November 8, 2021, Issued: November 8, 2021 1915 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Planned Maintenance Impacting ESPC Legacy Production Systems on November 9, 2021: Issued: November 8, 2021 2123Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #6: Correction: Implementation of GOES-16 and GOES-17 Reduced Level Soundings (Legacy Vertical Temperature and Moisture Profile Products) on November 8, 2021, Issued: November 8, 2021 2231 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 09, 2021 - Issued: November 09, 2021 1250Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 9, 2021 - Issued: November 9, 2021 1307Z
blue ballProduct/Outage Anomaly: JPSS CGS NSOF Common, IDMZ, MDMZ, Windows Security Patching (Live Ops): Issued November 9, 2021 1436Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 SEISS MPS-LO Electron and Ion Microchannel Plate (MCP) HV Bias Calibration (impacts SEISS) Scheduled for November 16, 2021 1800Z, Issued: November 9, 2021 1520Z
blue ballAdministrative: Implementation of GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Enterprise Cloud Mask Level 2+ Algorithm on or about November 22, 2021, Issued: November 09, 2021 1636 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 N19 SBUV/2 data Products Issued: November 09, 2021 1745Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS and CBU Backup sites, November 9, 2021 1800Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update # 1Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS and CBU Backup sites, November 9th, 2021 1805Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18, 19, MetOp-B/1, & MetOp-C/3 AVHRR, Monthly Visible Calibration Update, November 9, 2021 - Issued: November 9, 2021 1824Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 10, 2021 - Issued: November 10, 2021 0700Z
blue ballAdministrative: Operational Implementation of the Metop-B/C ACSPO SST in NCCF (NESDIS Common Cloud Framework) on December 14, 2021 - Issued November 10, 2021 1500 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 ABI Encoder and FTE Calibrations scheduled for November 18 - 19, 2021, Issued: November 10, 2021 1512Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 10, 2021 - Issued: November 10, 2021 1522Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 11, 2021 - Issued: November 10, 2021 1529Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Reminder) GOES-17 ABI Best Detector Select V-V Collection Scheduled for November 10, 2021 at 1930Z - Issued: November 10, 2021 1600Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 10, 2021 - Issued: November 10, 2021 1640Z
blue ballAdministrative: MODIS Data Delay - Issued November 10, 2021 1720Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 11, 2021 - Issued: November 10, 2021 1915Z
blue ballAdministrative: Metop-A (Metop-2) Product Termination - Issued November 10, 2021 1938Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Reminder) - Update #1 - GOES-17 ABI Best Detector Select V-V Collection Scheduled for November 10, 2021 at 1930Z - Issued: November 10, 2021 2054Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 11, 2021 - Issued: November 11, 2021 0118Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 45 Issue 3 (Announcements: Update of 7545) Issued: November 11, 2021 0822Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 11, 2021 - Issued: November 11 2021 1343Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 46 Issued: November 11, 2021 1639Z
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule_Issued:_November 11, 2021_1710 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 12, 2021 - Issued: November 12 2021 0530Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 46 Issue 2 (Announcements: Addition of 7563 to 7568) Issued: November 12, 2021 0908Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 12, 2021 - Issued: November 12 2021 1243Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the CBU Backup site, November 12th, 2021 1455Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Eumetsat Alert Message 2021-11-12 15:52:36 : GDS-Metop-B - Issued November 12, 2021 1608Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 Eumetsat Alert Message 2021-11-12 12:11:00 : GDS-Metop-B - Issued November 12, 2021 1628Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: HRPT M1/M3 Data Delay, Issued: November 13, 2021 1709Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 HRPT M1/M3 Data Delay, Issued: November 13, 2021 1731Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #2 HRPT M1/M3 Data Delay, Issued: November 13, 2021 1758Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: HRPT M1 Rev 47510 Data Lost Issued: November 13, 2021 1955Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS and CBU Backup sites - Issued: November 15, 2021 1350Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 46 Issue 3 (Announcements: Addition of 7574) Issued: November 15, 2021 1520Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: OMI data outage - Issued: November 15, 2021 1805Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP Data loss - Issued: November 15, 2021 2030Z
blue ballProduct outage/Anomaly: Intermittent Delays in GCOM data - Issued: October 16, 2021 0945Z
blue ballProduct outage/Anomaly: Intermittent Delays in GCOM data - Issued: October 16, 2021 0945Z
blue ballProduct outage/Anomaly: Intermittent Delays in GCOM data - Issued: October 16, 2021 0954Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 16, 2021 - Issued: November 16, 2021 1132Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Possible Impact to SFTP Users connecting to NSOF OPS and CBU Backup sites - Issued: November 16, 2021 1325Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site - Issued: November 16, 2021 1410Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 16, 2021 - Issued: November 16, 2021 1512Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Final Update) Metop-A (Metop-2) Product Termination - Issued: November 16, 2021 1555Z
blue ballAdministrative: Reminder: GOES-16 SEISS MPS-LO Electron and Ion Microchannel Plate (MCP) HV Bias Calibration (impacts SEISS) Scheduled for November 16, 2021 1800Z, Issued: November 16, 2021 1600Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1- NDE System Upgrade scheduled on November 30, 2021 - Issued November 16, 2021 1805 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 16, 2021 - Issued: November 16, 2021 1845Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: GCOM Data Delay - Issued November 17, 2021 0858Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly : N20 Data Delay Issued: November 17, 2021 1357Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 17, 2021 - Issued: November 17, 2021 1409Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 46 Issue 4 (Announcement: Addition of 7577 and 7578) Issued: November 17, 2021 1417Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1: Implementation of GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Enterprise Cloud Mask Level 2+ Algorithm on or about November 29, 2021, Issued: November 17, 2021 1640 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NPP Data Loss Issued: November 17, 2021 1644Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Alert Message 2021-11-18 07:08:34 :: Sentinel-3A Service - Issued November 18, 2021 0749Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Alert Message 2021-11-18 07:09:42 :: Sentinel-3B Service - Issued November 18, 2021 0755Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 46 Issue 5 (Announcements: Addition of 7581) Issued: November 18, 2021 0803Z
blue ballAdministrative: NPP Inclination Adjustment Maneuver (IAM) scheduled for November 18, 2021, Issued: November 18, 2021 1518Z
blue ballSatellite Anomaly: GOES-17 - SUVI 93.9 products delivered to GRB, PDA -Issued: Nov 18, 2021 1528Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #2: Implementation of GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Enterprise Cloud Mask Level 2+ Algorithm on or about November 29, 2021, Issued: November 18, 2021 1540 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 46 Issue 6 (Announcements: Update of 7555) Issued: November 18, 2021 1600Z
blue ballAdministrative: Reminder: G17 ABI Encoder and FTE Calibrations 11/18/2021, Issued: November 18, 2021 1606Z
blue ballAdministrative: Correction: NPP Inclination Adjustment Maneuver (IAM) scheduled for November 18, 2021, Issued: November 18, 2021 1615Z
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule_Issued:_November 18, 2021_1645 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 ABI Solar Calibration Scan scheduled for November 27, 2021, Issued: November 18, 2021 1655Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 47 Issued: November 18, 2021 1704Z
blue ballAdministrative: NSOF VMware Cluster Maintenance scheduled for November 22, 2021, Issued: November 18, 2021, 19:12 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 18, 2021 - Issued: November 18, 2021 2128Z
blue ballAdministrative: Transition of NSOF Operations from A-String to C-String, Issued: November 18, 2021 2200Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 19, 2021 - Issued: November 19, 2021 1312Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 47 Issue 2 (Announcements: Addition of 7591 and 7592) Issued: November 19, 2021 1532Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NPP Data Delay - Issued: November 19, 2021 1837Z
blue ballAdministrative: Final Update: Transition of NSOF Operations from A-String to CBU String, Issued: November 19, 2021 2009Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 20, 2021 - Issued: November 20, 2021 1351Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Hawaii Medium and Low Earth Orbit (MEO/LEO) Ground Stations Offline, Issued: November 20, 2021 1556Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Correction: Hawaii Medium and Low Earth Orbit (MEO/LEO) Ground Stations Offline, Issued: November 20, 2021 2259Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly : NOAA-15 GAC Data Loss - Issued: November 21, 2021 1225Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA-15 GAC Data Loss - Issued: November 21, 2021 1407Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly Update (Final Update#1): Hawaii Medium and Low Earth Orbit (MEO/LEO) Ground Stations Offline, Issued: November 21, 2021 1454Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: HRPT M1/M3 Data Loss, Issued: November 21, 2021 2215Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: HRPT M3 Data Loss, Issued: November 21, 2021 2215Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: GOES-16 - Cloud Optical Depth, Cloud Particle Size, Cloud Top Full Disk products delivered to PDA -Issued: Nov 22, 2021 1300Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: JPSS N20 SMD Data Delay REV 20787: Issued November 22, 2021 1326Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - JPSS N20 SMD Data Delay REV 20787: Issued November 22, 2021 1422Z
blue ballAdministrative: Reminder - NSOF VMware Cluster Maintenance scheduled for November 22, 2021, Issued: November 22, 2021, 1609 UTC
blue ballProduct Anomaly: Update #1 -GOES-16 - Cloud Optical Depth, Cloud Particle Size, Cloud Top Full Disk products delivered to PDA -Issued: Nov 22, 2021 1647Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 - NSOF VMware Cluster Maintenance scheduled for November 22, 2021, Issued: November 22, 2021 17:25 UTC
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Hawaii Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) Ground Station Degraded, Issued: November 22, 2021 1832Z
blue ballProduct Outage: GOES-16/17 - All Products products delivered to PDA -Issued: November 22, 2021 1933Z
blue ballAdministrative: NSOF VMware Cluster Maintenance scheduled for November 23, 2021, Issued: November 22, 2021 2010Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - Hawaii Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) Ground Station Degraded, Issued: November 22, 2021 2138Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Maryland 1 GEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: November 23, 2021 0225Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - Final Update: Maryland 1 GEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: November 23, 2021 0451Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 23, 2021 - Issued: November 23, 2021 1319Z
blue ballAnomaly/Outage: GOES-16 - ABI L1b Bands 01, 03, 05 products delivered to PDA -Issued: November 23, 2021 1326Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly GOES-16 - ABI L1b Bands 01, 03, 05 products delivered to PDA -Issued: November 23, 2021 1441Z
blue ballAdministrative: REMINDER - NSOF VMware Cluster Maintenance scheduled for November 23, 2021, Issued: November 23, 2021 1450Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #3: Implementation of GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Enterprise Cloud Mask Level 2+ Algorithm on or about November 29, 2021, Issued: November 23, 2021 1514 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 47 Issue 4 (addition of announcement 7594 and 7595) Issued: November 23, 2021 1551Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly Update #1 - GOES-16 - ABI L1b Bands 01, 03, 05 products delivered to PDA -Issued: November 23, 2021 1558Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 - NSOF VMware Cluster Maintenance scheduled for November 23, 2021, Issued: November 23, 2021 1625Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #2 - NSOF VMware Cluster Maintenance scheduled for November 23, 2021, Issued: November 23, 2021 1820Z
blue ballAdministrative: IMS Product Adjustments Scheduled on December 15, 2021- Issued: November 23, 2021 2112Z
blue ballSatellite Anomaly: GOES-16 - SUVI products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA -Issued: Nov 24, 2021 0012Z
blue ballSatellite Anomaly: GOES-16 - EXIS SFXR, SEISS EHIS, SEISS MPS Hi products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA -Issued: Nov 24, 2021 0307Z
blue ballSatellite Anomaly: Update#1 GOES-16 - SUVI EXIS SFXR, SEISS EHIS, SEISS MPS Hi products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA -Issued: Nov 24, 2021 0533Z
blue ballSatellite Anomaly: GOES-16 - EXIS SFXR, SEISS EHIS, SEISS MPS Hi products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA -Issued: Nov 24, 2021 1041Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 30-Second MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 24, 2021 - Issued: November 24, 2021 1041Z
blue ballSatellite Anomaly: (Update #1) GOES-16 - SUVI products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA Issued: Nov 24, 2021 1502z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 47 Issue 5 (addition of announcement 7597) Issued: November 24, 2021 1714Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 Scheduled for November 25, 2021 - Issued: November 24, 2021 1808Z
blue ballSatellite Anomaly: (Update #2) GOES-16 - SUVI products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA Issued: Nov 24, 2021 2228Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS MESO 1 Scheduled for November 25, 2021 - Issued: November 25, 2021 0212Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 48 Issued: November 25, 2021 1552Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 48 issue 2 Announcements: Addition of 7608 and 7609, Update of 7605) Issued: November 26, 2021 1512Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 26, 2021 - Issued: November 26, 2021 1745Z
blue ballSatellite Anomaly: (Update #3) GOES-16 - SUVI products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA Issued: Nov 26, 2021 2018Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Eumetsat Alert Message 2021-11-26 20:32:04 : GDS-Metop-B - Issued November 26, 2021 2101Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 27, 2021 - Issued: November 27, 2021 1929Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Miami HRPT Data Loss - Issued: November 28, 2021 0220Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 Scheduled for November 28, 2021 - Issued: November 28, 2021 1352Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Alaska 4 LEO Ground Station Offline - Issued: November 28, 2021 1638Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update#1 Alaska 4 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: November 28, 2021 2330Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update#2 Alaska 4 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: November 29, 2021 1238Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, Issued: November 29, 2021 1251Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP Data Delay - Issued: November 29, 2021 1310Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 DMSP Data Delay - Issued: November 29, 2021 1402Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 48 Issue 3 (Announcements: Addition of 7610) Issued: November 29, 2021 1630Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #4: Implementation of GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Enterprise Cloud Mask Level 2+ Algorithm on November 29, 2021, Issued: November 29, 2021 1935 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Update #2 - NDE System Upgrade scheduled on November 30, 2021, Issued: November 29, 2021 2025 UTC
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Satellite Operations Schedule_Issued:_November 29, 2021_2035 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Eumetsat Alert Message 2021-11-30 09:11:13 : RDS-EARS : GDS-Metop-B,NOAA-18,NOAA-19 - Issued November 30, 2021 0927Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Eumetsat Alert Message 2021-11-30 09:16:27 :: RDS-EARS : RDS-EARS : GDS-Metop-B,NOAA-18,NOAA-19 - Issued November 30, 2021 0939Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Maryland 1 GEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: November 30, 2021 1313Z
blue ballAdministrative: Reminder Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Planned Maintenance activity at the NSOF OPS site, Issued: November 30, 2021 1326Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly:Update#1 Maryland 1 GEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: November 30, 2021 1507Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: GOES-17 - Degradation ABI L1b All Bands, All Products products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA -Issued: November 30, 2021 1752Z
blue ballAdministrative: Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Data Now Publicly Available - Issued November 30, 2021 1800 UTC
blue ballSatellite Anomaly: (Update #4) GOES-16 - SUVI products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA Issued: Nov 30, 2021 1824Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 SEISS MPS-LO Electron and Ion Microchannel Plate (MCP) HV Bias Calibration (impacts SEISS) Scheduled for December 7, 2021 - Issued: November 30, 2021 1846Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: GOES-16 ABI Soundings products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA -Issued: November 30, 2021 1920Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Correction; GOES-16 ABI Soundings products delivered to AWIPS, GRB, PDA -Issued: November 30, 2021 1941Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update#3 Alaska 4 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: November 30, 2021 2208Z

The latest message is at the top. To decode the filenames for the messages listed above, MSGXXXHHMM.html, MSG means "Message", XXX is the Julian Date, HHMM is the time of the message in UTC. Files are now saved as html format.