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Satellite Alert Messages

The following messages give you information about NOAA's satellite operations, including various product changes, upgrades and outages.
Visit often for the latest information affecting data delivery.

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This page shows the 100 most recent messages. To view older messages, please choose the year and month from the menu above.

Messages for June 2018

blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Alaska 1 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: June 1, 2018 0227Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 Alaska 1 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: June 1, 2018 0310Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA20 Data Outage Issued: June 1, 2018 0758Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 NOAA20 Data Outage Issued: June 1, 2018 0857Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA20 Data Outage, Issued: June 1, 2018 1240Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS request for Meso-2 Scheduled for June 01, 2018 - Issued: June 01, 2018 1525Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 01, 2018 - Issued: June 01, 2018 1545Z
blue ballAdministrative (Extension #13) : GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 19, 2018 - Issued: June 01, 2018 1603Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1, NOAA20 Data Outage, Issued: June 1, 2018 2050Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S Data Lost, Issued: June 2, 2018 0140Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Lost, Issued: June 2, 2018 0405Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S Data Lost Issued: June 2, 2018 0720Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Meteosat-11 Data Loss - Issued: June 2, 2018 0913Z
blue ballAdministrative: Critical Weather Day has been declared: Starting June 02, 2018 - Issued: June 02, 2018 1228Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - Missing Data on PDA, Issued: June 02, 2018 1240Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: FL1 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: June 2, 2018 1546Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 02, 2018 - Issued: June 02, 2018 1740Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 02, 2018 - Issued: June 02, 2018 1825Z
blue ballAdministrative (Extension #14) : GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 19, 2018 - Issued: June 02, 2018 1912Z
blue ballAdministrative:UPDATE #1 GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 03, 2018 - Issued: June 03, 2018 0115Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 Ford Island Data Delay- Issued: June 03, 2018 0345Z
blue ballAdministrative:Update #1 Critical Weather Day has been declared: Starting June 02, 2018 - Issued: June 03, 2018 1205Z
blue ballAdministrative (Extension #15) : GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 19, 2018 - Issued: June 03, 2018 1426Z
blue ballAdministrative:GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 03, 2018 - Issued: June 03, 2018 1433Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Delay, Issued: June 3, 2018 1717Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly:Update #1 DMSP SSMI Data Delay, Issued: June 3, 2018 1949Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 04, 2018 - Issued: June 04, 2018 0905Z
blue ballAdministrative: -Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 23 Issue 2 (Update of Announcement 3881) Issued June 04 , 2018 1205Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #2 Ford Island Data Delay- Issued: June 04, 2018 1420Z
blue ballAdministrative: Distribution Server Outage at ESPC - Issued: June 04, 2018 1430Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #2 Ford Island Data Delay- Issued: June 04, 2018 1420Z
blue ballAdministrative (Extension #16) : GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 19, 2018 - Issued: June 04, 2018 1545Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: M1 HRPT data From Wallops lost, Issued: June 04, 2018 1833Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #3 Ford Island Data Delay- Issued: June 04, 2018 1900Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: GOES-16 ABI CMI Band 9 and Band 10 products, derived products and their distribution to AWIPS, PDA and over GRB Issued: June 04, 2018 2010Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Himawari-8 Data Products on HRIT West and LRIT East - Issued June 4, 2018 0305Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: (Correction) Himawari-8 Data Products on HRIT West and LRIT East - Issued June 5, 2018 0305Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 05, 2018 - Issued: June 05, 2018 1152Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 05, 2018 - Issued: June 05, 2018 1420Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Update #2) Shutdown of Data Distribution Server (DDS) scheduled for June 19, 2018 1500Z, Issued: June 5, 2018 1430Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access Planned PDA Maintenance Scheduled for June 5, 2018 - Issued: June 5, 2018 1440Z
blue ballAdministrative (Extension #17) : GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 19, 2018 - Issued: June 05, 2018 1448Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 06, 2018 - Issued: June 06, 2018 0245Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 06, 2018 - Issued: June 06, 2018 0415Z
blue ballAdministrative: Correction: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 06, 2018 - Issued: June 06, 2018 0415Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access Planned PDA Maintenance Issued: June 06, 2018 1223Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA 20 Product Outage/Delay: Issued June 6, 2018 1250Z
blue ballAdministrative (Extension #18) : GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 19, 2018 - Issued: June 06, 2018 1258Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 06, 2018 - Issued: June 06, 2018 1308Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 NOAA 20 Product Outage/Delay: Issued June 6, 2018 1400Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 ABI solar calibration scan scheduled for June 9, 2018, Issued: June 6, 2018 1542 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 ABI desert monitoring calibration scan scheduled for June 9, 2018, Issued: June 6, 2018 1545 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 06, 2018 - Issued: June 06, 2018 1605Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 SEISS weekly calibration schedule for June 2018, Issued: June 6, 2018 1652 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: SNPP IDPS Ancillary Data Missing Issued: June 6, 2018 1657Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA 20 Product Data Delay: Issued June 6, 2018 1827Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 NOAA 20 Product Data Delay: Issued June 6, 2018 1840Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: N20 Late Acquisition of SMD Issued: June 6, 2018 2006Z
blue ballAdministrative (POSTPONED): GOES-15 (GOES-West) East/West Station Keeping Maneuver scheduled for June 7, 2018, Issued: June 6, 2018 2030 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: (Correction) N20 Late Acquisition of SMD Issued: June 6, 2018 2121Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 N20 Late Acquisition of SMD Issued: June 6, 2018 2127Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: GRB: Some Users Reporting Issues Receiving GRB Issued: June 06, 2018 2144Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 07, 2018 - Issued: June 06, 2018 2206Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: GRB: Some Users Reporting Issues Receiving GRB Issued: June 06, 2018 2215Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: GOES-16 ABI L2 Derived Products and their delivery to PDA due to loss of Ancillary Data from PDA, Issued: June 7 2018, 0151Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: (Update #1) GOES-16 ABI L2 Derived Products and their delivery to PDA due to loss of Ancillary Data from PDA, Issued: June 7 2018, 0308Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Himawari-8 Data Products on HRIT GOES East and LRIT GOES West - Issued June 7, 2018 1220Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 07, 2018 - Issued: June 07, 2018 1335Z
blue ballAdministrative (Extension #19) : GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 19, 2018 - Issued: June 07, 2018 1359Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 07, 2018 - Issued: June 07, 2018 1459Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 07, 2018 - Issued: June 07, 2018 1630Z
blue ballAdministrative: ESPC Network Maintenance scheduled for June 13, 2018, Issued: June 7, 2018 1851Z
blue ballAdministrative: ESPC Network Maintenance scheduled for June 13, 2018, Issued: June 7, 2018 1851Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1, GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 07, 2018 - Issued: June 08, 2018 0754Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 08, 2018 - Issued: June 08, 2018 0806Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 08, 2018 - Issued: June 08, 2018 1500Z
blue ballAdministrative (Extension #20) : GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 19, 2018 - Issued: June 08, 2018 1505Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 09, 2018 - Issued: June 09, 2018 0057Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 - GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 09, 2018 - Issued: June 09, 2018 0723Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 08, 2018 - Issued: June 09, 2018 1448Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 09, 2018 - Issued: June 09, 2018 1457Z
blue ballAdministrative Extension #21 : GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 19, 2018 - Issued: June 09, 2018 1530Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 09, 2018 - Issued: June 09, 2018 1650Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: JPSS Product Outage/Delay Issued June 10, 2018 0417Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 JPSS Product Delay Issued June 10, 2018 0436Z - Corrected Copy
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 10, 2018 - Issued: June 10, 2018 0930Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 10, 2018 - Issued: June 10, 2018 1335Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Correction) GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 10, 2018 - Issued: June 10, 2018 1345Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Lost, Issued: June 10, 2018 1515Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 10, 2018 - Issued: June 10, 2018 1522Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 10, 2018 - Issued: June 10, 2018 1539Z
blue ballAdministrative Extension #22 : GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 19, 2018 - Issued: June 10, 2018 1547Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 10, 2018 - Issued: June 10, 2018 1659Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA-18 GAC Data Lost - Issued: June 10, 2018 2013Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 11, 2018 - Issued: June 11, 2018 0812Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Scheduled Maintenance Issued: June 11, 2018 1215Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 11, 2018 - Issued: June 11, 2018 1420Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 11, 2018 - Issued: June 11, 2018 1425Z
blue ballAdministrative Extension #23: GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for May 19, 2018 - Issued: June 11, 2018 1610Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA 20 Product Data Delay: Issued June 11, 2018 1940Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: GOES-16 EXIS products and their delivery to GRB, PDA Scheduled for June 11, 2018 - Issued: June 11, 2018 2010Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 12, 2018 - Issued: June 12, 2018 0315Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: JPSS Product Outage/Delay Issued June 12, 2018 1005Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 12, 2018 - Issued: June 12, 2018 1345Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1, GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 12, 2018 - Issued: June 12, 2018 1420Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 12, 2018 - Issued: June 12, 2018 1430Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access Planned PDA Maintenance, Issued: June, 12, 2018 1448Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18, 19, MetOp-A/2 & MetOp-B/1, AVHRR, Monthly Visible Calibration, 12 June 2018 - Issued: June 12, 2018 1510Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Update #3) Shutdown of Data Distribution Server (DDS) scheduled for June 19, 2018 1500Z, Issued: June 12, 2018 1530Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: SNPP Data Outage/Delay, Issued: June 12, 2018 1656Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-15 Visible Calibration Update for the Month of June 2018, Issued: June, 12, 2018 2030Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #2, SNPP Data Outage/Delay, Issued: June 12, 2018 2040Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1, GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 12, 2018 - Issued: June 12, 2018 2213Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 12, 2018 - Issued: June 12, 2018 2217Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Delay, Issued: June 13, 2018 0614Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly:NOAA-20 Data Outage, Issued: June 13, 2018 0830Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 DMSP SSMI Data Delay, Issued: June 13, 2018 0842Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 13, 2018 - Issued: June 13, 2018 1402Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access Planned PDA Maintenance June, 13, 2018 1700Z Issued: June 13 2018, 1606Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for June 13, 2018 - Issued: June 13, 2018 1855Z
blue ballAdministrative: NDE Planned System Upgrade, Issued: June 13, 2018, 2000Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Delay, Issued: June 13, 2018 2029Z
blue ballAdministrative: ESPC Firewall Maintenance scheduled for June 20, 2018, Issued: June 13, 2018 2137Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Florida 1 and 2 LEO Ground Stations Offline: Issued June 14, 2018 0212Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 14, 2018 - Issued: June 14, 2018 0817Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 DMSP SSMI Data Delay, Issued: June 14, 2018 1000Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 14, 2018 - Issued: June 14, 2018 1008Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access Planned PDA Maintenance Issued: June, 14, 2018 1230Z
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Operations Schedule__Issued:_June 14, 2018_1405 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-19 SBUV Giant Step Commanding, Issued: June 14, 2018 1600Z
blue ballAdministrative: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 25 - Issued: June 14, 2018 1618Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Data on PDA has resumed : Issued: June 14, 2018 1827Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: COSMIC Data has resumed, Issued: June 14, 2018 1852Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 14, 2018 - Issued: June 14, 2018 2002Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1, NOAA-19 SBUV Giant Step Commanding, Issued: June 14, 2018 2055Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 14, 2018 - Issued: June 15, 2018 0750Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 15, 2018 - Issued: June 15, 2018 0805Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access Planned PDA Maintenance Issued June, 15, 2018 1245Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA 20 - Issued June 15, 2018 1330Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - NOAA 20 - Issued June 15, 2018 1436Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 15, 2018 - Issued: June 15, 2018 1446Z
blue ballAdministrative: Extension #2, GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Hawaii RSO Scheduled for June 13, 2018 - Issued: June 15, 2018 1505Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: COSMIC Data Outage Issued: May 15, 2018 1715Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 software patch installation scheduled for June 19, 2018, Issued: June 15, 2018 2135 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 15, 2018 - Issued: June 15, 2018 2222Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 - GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 15, 2018 - Issued: June 15, 2018 2230Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 16, 2018 - Issued: June 15, 2018 2238Z
blue ballAdministrative: Correction- GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 15, 2018 - Issued: June 15, 2018 2245Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Missing Data on PDA, Issued: June 16, 2018 0000Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 COSMIC Data Outage Issued: June 15, 2018 0220Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 16, 2018 - Issued: June 16, 2018 0240Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 16, 2018 - Issued: June 16, 2018 0910Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 16, 2018 - Issued: June 16, 2018 0925Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #2 COSMIC Data Outage Issued: June 16, 2018 0955Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Update #1) GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 16, 2018 - Issued: June 16, 2018 1437Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: M1 HRPT data From Wallops lost, Issued: June 16, 2018 1700Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1, M1 HRPT data From Wallops lost, Issued: June 16, 2018 1732Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Antarctic Data Acquisition GDS Metop-B Ground-segment-anomaly: Issued: June 17, 2018 0025Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 Antarctic Data Acquisition GDS Metop-B Ground-segment-anomaly: Issued: June 17, 2018 0318Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 17, 2018 - Issued: June 17, 2018 0345Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Missing Data on PDA Issued: June 17, 2018 0418Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 17, 2018 - Issued: June 17, 2018 0653Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly (Update #1): Missing Data on PDA Issued: June 17, 2018 1754Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: M1 HRPT data From Fairbanks lost, Issued: June 18, 2018 0551Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 18, 2018 - Issued: June 18, 2018 0625Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Loss, Issued: June 18, 2018 1310Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 18, 2018 - Issued: June 18, 2018 1400Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Delay, Issued: June 18, 2018 1415Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Update #4) Shutdown of Data Distribution Server (DDS) scheduled for June 19, 2018 1500Z, Issued: June 18, 2018 1440Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Delay, Issued: June 18, 2018 1520Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: DMSP SSMI Data Loss, Issued: June 18, 2018 1310Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: DMSP SSMI Data Delay, Issued: June 18, 2018 1640Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: SNPP Data Outage/Delay, Issued: June 18, 2018 1645Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 19, 2018 - Issued: June 19, 2018 0645Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule Week 25, Issue 2 (Addition of Announcement 3916) - Issued: June 19, 2018 0930Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA 20 Outage/Delay, Issued: June 19, 2018 1027Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1, NOAA 20 Outage/Delay, Issued: June 19, 2018 1153Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 25 Issue 3 (Addition of Announcement 3917) - Issued: June 19, 2018 1220Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 19, 2018 - Issued: June 19, 2018 1300Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1, GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 19, 2018 - Issued: June 19, 2018 1308Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access Planned PDA Maintenance, Issued: June 19, 2018 1431Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: GINI GOES West AWIPS Data Loss - Issued: June 19, 2018 1442Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-R DO.06.03.00 and DO.06.04.00 Patches Issued: June 19, 2018 1551Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Meteosat-11 Data Outage - Issued: June 20, 2018 1057Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 20, 2018 - Issued: June 20, 2018 1119Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access Planned PDA Maintenance June, 20, 2018 1254Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 20, 2018 - Issued: June 20, 2018 1319Z
blue ballAdministrative: Public Information Statement for users of GEONETCast Americas receive stations in the United States - Issued: June 20, 2018 1427Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Meteosat-11 Data Outage - Issued: June 20, 2018 1649Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Delay - Issued: June 20, 2018 1832Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Delay - Issued: June 20, 2018 1840Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA 20 Data Outage - Issued: June 20, 2018 2012Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Delay - Issued: June 20, 2018 2024Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: (Update #1) DMSP SSMI Data Delay - Issued: June 20, 2018 2022Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 ABI Lunar Trending Calibration Scans scheduled for June 22 and 23, 2018, Issued: June 20, 2018 2052 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Missing Data on PDA: Issued June 20, 2018 2120Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Outage - Issued on June 20, 2018 2135Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S Data Delay - Issued: June 20, 2018 2145Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: (Update #1) Product Distribution and Access (PDA) Outage - Issued on June 20, 2018 2256Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: M1 HRPT data From Wallops lost, Issued: June 21, 2018 0118Z
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Operations Schedule__Issued: June 21, 2018__1410 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 21, 2018 - Issued: June 21, 2018 1545Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat ) Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 26 - Issued: June 21, 2018 1557Z
blue ballAdministrative: Suomi-NPP VIIRS Lunar Calibration scheduled for June 23, 2018 - Issued: June 21, 2018 2238Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-20 VIIRS Lunar Calibration scheduled for June 23, 2018 - Issued: June 21, 2018 2050Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI Data Lost - Issued: June 22, 2018 0107Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements, Issued: June 22, 2018 0400Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Ford Island HRPT Data Delay- Issued: June 22, 2018 0610Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: GDS FRAC Metop-A and B Data Delay - Issued: June 22,, 2018 0725Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 22, 2018 - Issued: June 22, 2018 0851Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 GDS FRAC Metop-A and B Data Delay - Issued: June 22,, 2018 0933Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - SNPP Data Delay, Issued: June 22, 2018 1149Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S Data Delay - Issued: June 22, 2018 1540Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly:Update #1: DMSP SSMI/S Data Delay - Issued: June 22, 2018 1637Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 ABI mode change scheduled for June 25-27, 2018, Issued: June 22, 2018 1710 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S Data Delay - Issued: June 22, 2018 2227Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: Ford Island HRPT Data Delay- Issued: June 22, 2018 2236Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - DMSP SSMI/S Data Delay - Issued: June 22, 2018 2248Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: N-19 GAC 3A Data Lost - Issued June 23, 2018 0022Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 N-19 GAC 3A Data Lost - Issued June 23, 2018 01202Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements, Issued: June 23, 2018 0400Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 23, 2018 - Issued: June 23, 2018 0910Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 23, 2018 - Issued: June 23, 2018 0915Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Alaska 2 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: June 23, 2018 2326Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - Final Update Alaska 2 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: June 24, 2018 0021Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #2: Ford Island HRPT Data Delay- Issued: June 24, 2018 0321Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 24, 2018 - Issued: June 24, 2018 0918Z
blue ballProduct Outage: Update #1, GOES-16 ABI L2 CMI Multi-Band products and their delivery to PDA, Issued: June 24, 2018, 1404Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 25, 2018 - Issued: June 25, 2018 1000Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Meteosat-8 and Meteosat-11 Data Outage - Issued: June 25, 2018 1055Z
blue ballAdministrative: REMINDER: Product Distribution and Access Planned PDA Maintenance - Issued: June 25, 2018 1215Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-15 (GOES-WEST) Standard Sub-CONUS RSO Issued: June 25, 2018 1420Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S Data Delay - Issued: June 25, 2018 1425Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access Planned Reduction in PDA Connections for Non-Service Accounts - Issued: June 25, 2018 1625Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 Meteosat-8 and Meteosat-11 Data Outage - Issued: June 25, 2018 1627Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: GOES-16 ABI CMI Full Disk products, derived products and their distribution to AWIPS, PDA and over GRB - Issued June 25, 2018 1855Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S Data Delay - Issued: June 25, 2018 2110Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DCS_Data Outage - Issued June 26, 2018 0550Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: DCS_Data Outage - Issued June 26, 2018 0555Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: NOAA 20 Data Outage - Issued: June 26, 2018 0730Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Guam 2 LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: June 26, 2018 0745Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: NOAA 20 Data Outage - Issued: June 26, 2018 0815Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: NOAA 20 Data Outage - Issued: June 26, 2018 0925Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 26, 2018 - Issued: June 26, 2018 1002Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Meteosat-11 Data Outage - Issued: June 26, 2018 1110Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S Data Delay - Issued: June 26, 2018 1600Z
blue ballAdministrative:Tidal Production Downtime on June 27, 2018 at 1400Z - Issued: June 26, 2018 1842Z
blue ballAdministrative: (Revised Copy) Planned Maintenance Impacting Tidal-Prod scheduled for June 27, 2018 - Issued June 26, 2018 2045Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: (Update #1) DMSP SSMI/S Data Delay - Issued: June 26, 2018 2130Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S Data Delay - Issued: June 26, 2018 2209Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: DMSP SSMI/S Data Delay - Issued: June 26, 2018 2325Z
blue ballAdministrative: Correction: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 26, 2018 - Issued: June 27, 2018 0332Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 27, 2018 - Issued: June 27, 2018 0906Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 26 Issue 3 ( (Addition of Announcements 3940 and 3941) Issued: June 27, 2018 0945Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - LEO Ground Station Offline, Issued: June 27, 2018 1356Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: GOES-16 GLM Lightning Detection products and their delivery to GRB, PDA, Issued June 27, 2018 1713Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly SNWN and SNWS snow depth data/Mesh 16 files lost, Issued: June 27, 2018 2240Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: DMSP SSMI/S F-18 Data lost: Issued: June 27, 2018 2312Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements, Issued: June 28, 2018 0400Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 28, 2018 - Issued: June 28, 2018 0859Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 28, 2018 - Issued: June 28, 2018 1110Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: N20 Delayed Acquisition of SMD - Issued: June 28, 2018 1205Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 28, 2018 - Issued: June 28, 2018 1225Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-17 EXIS data scheduled for GRB release June 28, 2018, Issued: June 28, 2018 1245 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: N20 Delayed Acquisition of SMD - Issued: June 28, 2018 1254Z
blue ballAdministrative:_Himawari-8 Weekly Special Operations Schedule__Issued:_June 28, 2018_1400 UTC
blue ballAdministrative: Critical Weather Day has been declared: Starting June 28, 2018 - Issued: June 28, 2018 1412Z
blue ballAdministrative: Product Distribution and Access PDA Communication Anomaly - Issued: June, 28, 2018 1415Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1: Product Distribution and Access PDA Communication Anomaly - Issued: June 28, 2018 1515Z
blue ballAdministrative: Eumetsat Weekly Operations Schedule Week 27 - Issued: June 28, 2018 1532Z
blue ballAdministrative (Update #1): GOES-17 EXIS data scheduled for GRB release June 28, 2018, Issued: June 28, 2018 1245 UTC
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Update #1: GOES-16 ABI-L1b, L2 and GLM-L2 Intermittent products and their delivery to PDA - Issued: June 28, 2018 1717Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: COSMIC Data Outage Issued: June 29, 2018 0155Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements, Issued: June 29, 2018 0400Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 29, 2018 - Issued: June 29, 2018 0722Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 29, 2018 - Issued: June 29, 2018 0726Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: UPDATE #1: COSMIC Data Outage Issued: June 29, 2018 1020Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 29, 2018 - Issued: June 29, 2018 1405Z
blue ballProduct Outage: GOES-16 ABI-L1b, L2 and products and their delivery to PDA Issued: June 29, 2018 1621Z
blue ballProduct Outage: Update #1 GOES-16 ABI-L1b, L2 and products and their delivery to PDA Issued: June 29, 2018 1751Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly - SARSAT Alaska 1 LEO Ground Station- Offline, Issued: June 29, 2018 1801Z
blue ballAdministrative: Update #1 GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 29, 2018 - Issued: June 29, 2018 1904Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 29, 2018 - Issued: June 29, 2018 1916Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly: GOES-16 ABI L2 products and their delivery to PDA Issued: June 29, 2018 1825Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-1 scheduled for June 29, 2018 - Issued: June 29, 2018 1645Z
blue ballProduct Anomaly (Update #1): GOES-16 ABI L2 products and their delivery to PDA on June 29,2018 2105Z
blue ballSARSAT Outage/Anomaly: Update #1 - Final Update: SARSAT Alaska 1 LEO Ground Station- Offline, Issued: June 29, 2018 2209Z
blue ballAdministrative: NOAA-18 & 19 UEF Elements, Issued: June 30, 2018 0400Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: COSMIC Data Outage Issued: June 30, 2018 0447Z
blue ballAdministrative: GOES-16 MDS Request for Meso-2 scheduled for June 30, 2018 - Issued: June 30, 2018 1050Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: Metop-A IASI Data Outage - Issued June 30, 2018 2224Z
blue ballProduct Outage/Anomaly: (Update #1) Metop-A IASI Data Outage - Issued June 30, 2018 2310Z

The latest message is at the top. To decode the filenames for the messages listed above, MSGXXXHHMM.html, MSG means "Message", XXX is the Julian Date, HHMM is the time of the message in UTC. Files are now saved as html format.