NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations
GOES Status

Recent Outages/Anomalies:

Product Anomaly/Outage: GOES-16 - ABI L1b Bands 03, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 products delivered to PDA -Issued: Jul 13, 2024 2059Z
Product Anomaly/Outage: GOES-16 - All Products products delivered to PDA -Issued: July 10, 2024 1430Z
Product Anomaly/Outage: GOES-16 - Cloud and Moisture Bands 09-12, Lightning Detection products delivered to PDA -Issued: July 08, 2024 1414Z
Product Anomaly/Outage: GOES-16, 18 - Cloud and Moisture All Bands products delivered to AWIPS -Issued: Jul 08, 2024 0258Z
Product Anomaly/Outage: GOES-18 - ABI L1b Bands 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 products delivered to PDA -Issued: July 07, 2024 2107Z

GOES Operational Status

Welcome to the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) spacecraft status page. This site provides up to date status information on each spacecraft and its various subsystems.

Below are the color designations for each satellite status:

Status Green Yellow Orange Red Blue Blank
Meaning Operational (or capable of) Operational with limitations
(or Standby)
Operational with Degraded Performance Not Operational Functional,
Turned Off
No Status Reported
Spacecraft Operational Status Status
GOES 14 On-Orbit Storage BLUE
GOES 16 Operational East GREEN
GOES 17 On-Orbit Storage BLUE
GOES 18 Operational West GREEN



GOES 16 Spacecraft Status Summary

Spacecraft Letter:   R Operational Date:   12/18/2017
Launch Date:   11/19/2016  
Spacecraft Location:  75.2 West Operational Status:  Operation East
Notes:  GOES-16 became GOES-East at 1730z on December 18, 2017.

Payload Instruments Status:

Instrument Description Status
ABI Advanced Baseline Imager GREEN
SEISS Space Environment I-Situ Suite GREEN
SUVI Solar Ultraviolet Imager GREEN
EXIS EUV and X-ray Irradiance Sensors GREEN
MAG Magnetometer YELLOW
GLM Geostationary Lightning Mapper GREEN

Spacecraft Subsystem Status:

Subsystem Description Status
CD & H Command Data & Handling GREEN
GNC Guidance Navigation Control GREEN
EPS Electrical Power Subsystem GREEN
Propulsion Propulsion GREEN
Mechanisms Mechanisms GREEN
Electrical Power Electrical Power GREEN
Thermal Control Thermal Control GREEN
Communications Payloads Communications Payloads GREEN


GOES-18 Spacecraft Status Summary

Spacecraft Letter:   T Operational Date:   1/4/2023
Launch Date:   3/1/2022  
Spacecraft Location:  137.0 West Operational Status:  GOES-West
Notes: GOES-18 became GOES-WEST at 1800Z on January 4, 2023, replacing GOES-17.

Payload Instruments Status:

Instrument Description Status
ABI Advanced Baseline Imager GREEN
SEISS Space Environment I-Situ Suite GREEN
SUVI Solar Ultraviolet Imager GREEN
EXIS EUV and X-ray Irradiance Sensors GREEN
GMAG Magnetometer GREEN
GLM Geostationary Lightning Mapper GREEN

Spacecraft Subsystem Status:

Subsystem Description Status
CD & H Command Data & Handling GREEN
GNC Guidance Navigation Control GREEN
EPS Electrical Power Subsystem GREEN
Propulsion Propulsion GREEN
Mechanisms Mechanisms GREEN
Electrical Power Electrical Power GREEN
Thermal Control Thermal Control GREEN
Communications Payloads Communications Payloads GREEN

On-Orbit Storage

GOES-17 Spacecraft Status Summary

Spacecraft Letter:   S Operational Date:   2/12/2019
Launch Date:   3/1/2018  
Spacecraft Location:  104.7 West Operational Status:  On-Orbit Storage
Notes: GOES-17 has been commanded to on-orbit storage at 104.7 W on March 14, 2023.

Payload Instruments Status:

Instrument Description Status
ABI Advanced Baseline Imager YELLOW
SEISS Space Environment I-Situ Suite GREEN
SUVI Solar Ultraviolet Imager GREEN
EXIS EUV and X-ray Irradiance Sensors GREEN
MAG Magnetometer GREEN
GLM Geostationary Lightning Mapper GREEN

Spacecraft Subsystem Status:

Subsystem Description Status
CD & H Command Data & Handling GREEN
GNC Guidance Navigation Control GREEN
EPS Electrical Power Subsystem GREEN
Propulsion Propulsion GREEN
Mechanisms Mechanisms GREEN
Electrical Power Electrical Power GREEN
Thermal Control Thermal Control GREEN
Communications Payloads Communications Payloads GREEN

GOES 14 Spacecraft Status Summary

Spacecraft Letter:   O Operational Date:    
Launch Date:   06/27/2009 ACS Mode:  Storge mode
Spacecraft Location:   108.2 West Operational Status:  On-Orbit Storage
Notes:   GOES-14 is in normal mode as GOES Backup
GOES-14 has been commanded to storage mode at 108.2 W longitude on February 3, 2023.

Subsystem Status:

Subsystem Description Status
AOC Attitude and Orbit Control GREEN
COMM Communication Payloads BLUE
EP Electrical Power GREEN
FIC Fuel for Inclination Control GREEN
PROP Propulsion GREEN
TCC Telemetry, Command and Control GREEN
MECH Mechanics GREEN
THERMAL Thermal Control Subsystem GREEN