NOAA/NESDIS has made the eTRaP output available to users via anonymous ftp for five days in three formats: McIDAS area file, text file and gif file. McIDAS users can easily display the data while users of the text format can develop the means to view the data on their own systems.
Current text files, McIDAS area files and gif files can be accessed through the following site:
The text file will have the following format where east longitudes are positive and west longitudes are negative:
Line 1: BB##YYYY MMDDHH StormName
Line 8-n: Varies depending upon whether file is for QPF or probability
Line 8-n for QPF: LON LAT RAIN
Note: In both the QPF and probability files, line 8 through line n contains a sorted list of longitude/latitude points. The longitude/latitude points cover a square area and are listed from the lower left corner of the rainfall grid to the top right corner.
Sample text files, McIDAS area files and gif files can be accessed through the following site:
By way of example, file names have the following form:
With the exception of the gif image, the files are compressed as indicated by the .Z at the end of the file names. Text files are indicated by .TXT. Files not containing the .TXT are McIDAS area files. PC users can use WinZip to uncompress/unzip the files, which will launch automatically after clicking on a compressed file. In Linux/Unix, in the directory where the file is located, type uncompress <file_name> as in the following example:
uncompress 2009JADE.p100.04110000.00.TXT.Z
File names can be interpreted as follows:
Year Product Type Time Period | | | 2009JADE.p100.04110000.00.TXT.Z | | Storm Name MMDDHHMM (i.e., 2 digit month, 2 digit day, 2 digit hr, 2 digit minute)
The storm name could be a name as in the example above or an alphanumeric (e.g. 28S) if the system is only of tropical depression intensity. The time the eTRaP is valid is of the form MMDDHHMM. The product types are as follows:
The time periods for both probabilistic forecasts and rainfall amounts will be: