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AVHRR-and-VIIRS CoastWatch SST Products

OSPO provides the operational AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) and VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer) swath and mapped files generated using the SeaSpace Corporation TeraScan software for NOAA CoastWatch Nodes and other users. Further details can be found in the ReadMe file. There are two main upper level directories: (1) Processed, which includes the AVHRR data, and (2) NDE Processed, which includes the SNPP VIIRS and NOAA20 VIIRS data. Multiple files are generated based on CoastWatch regions summarized below.

Code    Description             Type    Map projection

gc      Gilmore Creek, AK       swath   n/a
aa      Alaska Sitka            mapped  Polar stereographic
ax      Alaska south            mapped  Polar stereographic
ay      Alaska west             mapped  Polar stereographic
az      Alaska north            mapped  Polar stereographic

mi      Miami, FL               swath   n/a
ce      Caribbean east          mapped  Mercator
cw      Caribbean west          mapped  Mercator
mr      Gulf of Mexico          mapped  Mercator
wa      West Coast Acapulco     mapped  Mercator

wi      Wallops Island, VA      swath   n/a
er      East Coast north        mapped  Mercator
sr      East Coast south        mapped  Mercator
sb      East Coast Bermuda      mapped  Mercator
gr      Great Lakes regional    mapped  Mercator

eb      Ewa Beach, HI           swath   n/a
hr      Hawaii regional         mapped  Mercator

mo      Monterey, CA            swath   n/a
wj      West Coast Baja         mapped  Mercator
wn      West Coast north        mapped  Mercator
ws      West Coast south        mapped  Mercator
sl      Great Salt Lake         mapped  Mercator


NDE Processed