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Surface and Hydrology

Surface Temperature (SSM/IS)

This product displays daily land surface temperature data, derived from the SSM/IS microwave sensor, covering a range of -99 to 69 degrees Kelvin with a 1-degree accuracy. Updates are available at 4 am EST. It's generated by FNMOC and distributed through the Shared Processing Program, involving NOAA, the US Air Force, and US Navy. OSDPD converts it into HDF-EOS and WMO BUFR formats for user access.

POES | Resolution: 25km | Frequency: Daily

Surface Type (SSM/IS)

This product provides daily surface type information worldwide, categorizing surfaces by tag values at specific coordinates. Surface types include Floods, Dense Vegetation, Agricultural/Range Vegetation, Dry arable soil, Moist soil, Semi-Desert, Desert, Composite vegetation and water, Composite soil and water, Dry snow, Wet snow, Refrozen snow, and Glacial ice. Updates are available at 4 am EST, and it's created by FNMOC, shared through an interagency program with NOAA, the US Air Force, and US Navy. OSDPD converts it into HDF-EOS and WMO BUFR formats for user access.

GOES or POES | Resolution: 25km | Frequency: Daily

VIIRS Surface Reflectance (VIIRS SR)

VIIRS SR is a near-real-time product derived from VIIRS SDR and NDE framework auxiliary data. It provides surface reflectance values for three imagery bands and nine moderate bands. Additionally, the output includes five bytes of quality flags, each containing bitmasks representing different properties of both inputs and outputs.

SNPP & JPSS (VIIRS) | Resolution: 375m(I-band) 750m(M-band) | Frequency: Daily

VIIRS Land Surface Albedo (LSA)

NOAA's VIIRS SURFALB dataset offers real-time global daily mean surface albedo, an essential factor for daily shortwave net radiation estimation. The current operational Level-2 (L2) albedo product provides granule-based data at 750-meter resolution and has been in operation since September 2019 on both SNPP VIIRS and NOAA-20 VIIRS. Additionally, a Level-3 (L3) grid-based dataset at 1-kilometer resolution is also available.

POES | Resolution: 1km | Frequency: Daily

VIIRS Land Temperature (LST)

VIIRS LST is generated from data collected by the VIIRS sensor on S-NPP and NOAA-20 satellites. It's computed for each non-cloudy land pixel, utilizing VIIRS channels M15 and M16 with a split window technique to correct for atmospheric absorption and explicitly factor in surface emissivity. The LST algorithm incorporates coefficients derived from an atmospheric radiative transfer model, accounting for various conditions including daytime, nighttime, viewing angles, and atmospheric moisture levels. The algorithm is validated using a radiative transfer model and assessed using VIIRS data from S-NPP (NOAA-20) as well as ground measurements.

POES | Resolution: 1km | Frequency: Daily

Enterprise Flood Mapping (EFM)

The VIIRS Flood Map (VFM) product is currently generated from Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS imagery to depict flood extent in floodwater fractions. Near-real-time (NRT) National Weather Service (NWS) VFM products are available for the Continental United States (CONUS) and Alaska. There are also 1 day composite, and 5 day composite VFM global products.

The ABI flood mapping software is designed to detect flood from GOES-16&18/ABI imagery using an algorithm adjusted from VIIRS in American mainland and islands between latitudes 50.5°S & 50.5°N.

JPSS; GOES-16&18 | Resolution: 375m | Frequency: Daily