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Fire and Smoke

Global Biomass Burning Emissions Product (GBBEP)

GBBEP daily reports biomass burning emissions, including Black Carbon (BC), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Organic Carbon (OC), Particulate Matter (PM2.5), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Ammonia (NH3), and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx). It relies on VIIRS M-band fire detections from SNPP (Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership) and JPSS-1/2 (Joint Polar Satellite System, NOAA-20/21).

SNPP and JPSS-1/2 | Resolution: 0.35km | Frequency: Daily

Regional Hourly ABI and VIIRS Emissions (RAVE)

RAVE provides hourly biomass burning emissions at 3km/13km resolution for various compounds like NH3, BC, CO, CO2, CH4, NOx, OC, PM2.5, SO2, TPM, and VOCs. It utilizes GOES-R ABI and JPSS VIIRS FRP data for NCEP EMC air quality forecasts.

GOES-R and JPSS | Resolution: 3km/13km | Frequency: Hourly

The Enterprise Active Fire System (EFIRE)

EFIRE is an integrated system that detects active fires and hotspots using various satellite sensors. It employs established fire detection algorithms, checks for persistent anomalies, and produces standardized fire products with details like fire location and characteristics.

Suomi NPP, NOAA-20, & NOAA-21 | Resolution: 0.35km | Frequency: Granule


JPSS - Risk Reduction (RR) Aerosol Product provides Aerosol Detection, Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), and Aerosol Particle Size for SNPP VIIRS data.

Hazard Mapping System (HMS) Fire and Smoke Analysis

The Hazard Mapping System uses data from the GOES-R/ABI Fire Detection and Characterization (FDC) and JPSS/VIIRS Enterprise Fire products to monitor vegetation fires and smoke activity across North America, Hawaii and the Caribbean. Image analysts help verify the automated fire detection information, addressing outstanding omission errors and false alarms, while also mapping the associated smoke emissions using visual classification of GOES-R imagery. Fire and smoke information are updated multiple times a day in near real-time.

GOES-R and JPSS | Resolution: 2km and 375m | Frequency: Sub-Daily

Fire Risk

This product uses AVHRR data to depict vegetation stress area, intensity, and duration. Color-coded maps estimate fire potential and danger based on moisture and thermal stress. Severe stress for one week implies minimal fire potential, while five weeks or more signal maximum potential. High fire potential (red) due to both moisture and temperature warns of fire danger.

POES | Resolution: 4km | Frequency: Weekly