VA Color Legend
OBS (Observed Time)
OBS + 6 Hours
OBS + 12 Hours
OBS + 18 Hours
Polygon Color *
* Where polygon colors overlap, the resulting color will not precisely match what is presented in the legend. It will generally be a combination of the colors. (eg. Red + Yellow = Orange, which would mean OBS and OBS + 6 Hours overlap) Show ASH Layer | Download KML file |
Most Recent Advisory:FVXX23 KNES 102225 VA ADVISORY DTG: 20241110/2225Z VAAC: WASHINGTON VOLCANO: REVENTADOR 352010 PSN: S0004 W07739 AREA: ECUADOR SUMMIT ELEV: 11686 FT (3562 M) ADVISORY NR: 2024/801 INFO SOURCE: GOES-16. VONA. NWP MODELS. ERUPTION DETAILS: VA EMS OBS EST VA DTG: 10/2150Z EST VA CLD: SFC/FL150 N0002 W07753 - S0004 W07740 - S0005 W07740 - S0007 W07755 - N0002 W07753 MOV W 5KT FCST VA CLD +6HR: 11/0400Z SFC/FL150 S0003 W07802 - S0003 W07740 - S0005 W07739 - S0014 W07759 - S0003 W07802 FCST VA CLD +12HR: 11/1000Z NO VA EXP FCST VA CLD +18HR: 11/1600Z NO VA EXP RMK: VONA RCVD FR EMS OF GAS AND VA MOV WNW FM SUMMIT. VA NOT VISIBLE IN STLT IMG DUE TO MET CLDS OVER SUMMIT. A MORE WSW MVMT EXP BY T+6. FCST BASED ON VONA, STLT AND NWP MODELS. ...GATLING NXT ADVISORY: WILL BE ISSUED BY 20241111/0430Z Reventador Archive |
Area: ECUADORInstituto GeofiscoSeismic Data SO2 Imagery GOES-East Imagery: Dirty Longwave (IR Band-15), Tropospheric Dust Content |