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HEAP Global Map

Vertical profiles of the Temperature and the Dew Point Temperature are derived from either the CrIS/ATMS instruments onboard the NOAA SNPP satellite, the JPSS NOAA-20 satellite, or the IASI instrument onboard the Metop-A and Metop-B satellites. These vertical profiles are displayed using the Skew-T Log-P diagram format with coverage for the entire globe. Previously, this coverage was restricted to the U.S. Continental region (CONUS). Using this map, one can view a NUCAPS sounding plot, as well as the corresponding tables containing the profile and aerologic data as part of a 10-day animation. To do this, click the button with the black square on the upper-left of the map, below the zoom-in (+) and zoom-out buttons (-). Then, use your cursor or mouse to click and draw a rectangular domain of interest. Just click and drag, and release when finished. After a few seconds, colored dots will appear in rectangle of interest. The color of each dot represents the age of the profile raning from 0 to 24 hours with an increment of 1.7 hours. The most recent profile generated is less than 1.7 hours as shown by a blue color and the oldest profile older than 24 hours is shown by a black color. The XML data powering this map application are updated every hour and the world (formerly CONUS region) is divided into a 0.5 degree X 0.5 degree grids. Each grid may contain more than one CrIS FOV but the closest FOV to the center of the grid was selected for sounding. By clicking on a dot, you can navigate to the 10-day Skew-T animation page. You may be able to select a profile over a grid as shown for the entire globe. Also, to download all data for the rectangular region drawn on the map, click the button below "Download XML Data for Area of Interest." This will open a new tab in which the user may download all profile, sounding, and aerologic data for the area of interest.



Latitude,Longitude: 00.00, 00.00

Use drawing tool on map below to draw rectangular domain, or type inputs below.

Input Rectangular Coordinates (decimal degrees):

*Use these inputs when a rectangular domain crosses the 180 degree meridian.
e.g. inputs (minlon., maxlon., minlat., maxlat.) ~ (171.0, -166.0, -21.0, 30.0)

Background Imagery (Pressure Levels) Background Imagery (Single Layer) Background Imagery (Vertical Levels)

Country/State Borders Gridlines Thumbnail Viewer





Use drawing tool on upper-left side of map to select rectangular area of interest on map.

Age of latest sounding from last refresh, in hours:
< 01.7 < 03.4 < 05.1 < 06.9 < 08.6 < 10.2 < 12.0 < 13.7
< 15.4 < 17.1 < 18.9 < 20.6 < 22.3 < 24.0 > 24.0 Missing