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NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

NOAA 17 COMM Subsystem Summary

Component Description Status
BTX 1Beacon Transmitter #1 (137.35MHz)Green
BTX 2Beacon Transmitter #2 (137.77MHz)Green
STX1S-Band Transmitter #1 (1698MHz)Orange
STX2S-Band Transmitter #2 (1702.5MHz)Green
STX3S-Band Transmitter #3 (1707MHz)Red
STX4S-Band Transmitter #4 (2247.5MHz)Green
VTX1VHF Transmitter #1 (137.50MHz)Green
VTX2VHF Transmitter #2 (137.62MHz)Green

Subsystem History:

Date Time Component Description
11/06/201202:50:25STX2STX2 turned on and configured for HRPT and Omni Antenna (RHCP).
11/06/201202:50:00STX1STX1 turned off due to severely degraded output power.
11/01/201209:10:00STX1On Rev 53836, NOAA-17's STX1's Output Power flagged RL at a severly degraded value ~0 W. Due to such a weak RF signal, real-time HRPT users will see degraded data or minimal signal from the spacecraft.
10/12/201015:08:45VTX1Turn on VTX1. VTX 1 becomes prime
10/12/201015:08:45VTX2VTX2 is turned off
03/02/200821:31:00STX1On 08/062 at 21:31z STX1 output power dropped from ~5.1 W to 2.29 W. Transmitter is still operable.
02/26/200802:55:00STX2Configured STX2 to directional antenna.
02/15/200821:10:00STX2Configure STX-2 to an omni antenna
02/14/200812:45:00STX3During the 00:53z Wallops pass, the stations was unable to lock onto STX-3. The STX-3 power was flagging red low at .2W. It is unusable at htis time.
01/25/200816:00:00STX4STX-4 Testing Complete. STX-4 is operational.
01/25/200815:58:00STX4Turn on STX4.
01/25/200815:58:00STX4Configure STX4 to transmit HRPT.
01/25/200815:58:00STX4Clears STX4 config.
01/25/200815:58:00STX4Selects AIP data type.
01/25/200815:58:00STX4Configures STX4 to transmit AIP.
01/25/200815:58:00STX4Turn off STX4.
01/24/200816:15:30STX4Turn on STX4.
01/24/200816:15:30STX4Clear STX4 config.
01/24/200816:15:30STX4Config. STX4 to DTR4A.
01/24/200816:15:30STX4Turn off STX4.
01/17/200818:52:00STX4STX-4 recovered after XSU swap. Not all data types confirmed.
01/17/200818:52:00STX4Turn on STX4 for STX-4 testing
01/17/200818:52:00STX4Clear STX4 config for STX-4 testing
01/17/200818:52:00STX4Playback GAC data from DTR4A for STX-4 testing
01/17/200818:52:00STX4Turn off STX4 for STX-4 testing
01/17/200818:52:00STX4Turn on STX4.
01/16/200816:01:00STX4Turn on STX4.
01/16/200816:01:00STX4Clear STX4 config.
01/16/200816:01:00STX4Select playback of TIP data.
01/16/200816:01:00STX4Config. STX4 to playback TIP data.
01/16/200816:01:00STX4Select TIP Bi-phase data.
01/16/200816:01:00STX4Turn off STX4.
06/28/200717:09:10STX4Turns on STX4, then configures it for HRPT, then AIP, and then finally deconfigures STX4 and turns it off.
06/28/200715:27:00STX4Turns on STX4, then configures it for HRPT, then AIP, and then finally deconfigures STX4 and turns it off.
06/20/200722:12:40STX4Turn off STX4.
06/20/200720:32:30STX4Turn on STX4.
06/19/2007STX4SOCC crews were unable to recover data using STX4 (2247.5MHz). All telemetry indications for STX4 appears nominal.
09/07/200514:40:00BTX 2Turn on BTX2
07/05/200514:05:00VTX2Took out VTX-2 power on and off toggling from stored command table and commanded VTX-2 back on. VTX-2 should now remain on continuously.
07/03/200508:50:00VTX2VTX-2 (APT) transmitter inadvertently turning off during each CDA support then back on when support is completed. Scheduling software under investigation.
03/22/200502:00:00STX1STX-1 taken out of operational rotation because of lower output power. Playbacks previously performed by STX-1 are now being performed by STX-4.
03/07/200519:00:00STX1STX-1 component status downgraded to YELLOW. Comm subsystem remains GREEN.
03/04/200509:12:00STX4Configure STX-4 for parallel playback at FCDA with STX-1 (data quality comparison retest). No data quality differences apparent.
03/04/200502:19:00STX4Configure STX-4 for parallel playback at WCDA with STX-1 (data quality comparison retest). No data quality differences apparent.
03/03/200519:55:00STX4Configure STX-4 for parallel playback at FCDA with STX-1 (data quality comparison test). No data quality differences apparent.
03/03/200515:00:00STX4Configure STX-4 for parallel playback at WCDA with STX-1 (data quality comparison test). No data quality differences apparent.
02/14/200519:29:17STX1STX-1 peak power dropped to 6 watts from a nominal 9 watts with acompanying increased temperature during transmissions. Peak power remains at this level during each pass. No data dropouts observed.
02/16/200412:30:00BTX 2Command BTX-2 back on.
02/14/200402:57:00BTX 2BTX-2 inadvertently turned off from stored command table.
09/24/200317:20:00STX4Turnoff STX-4 (Test complete)
09/24/200315:35:00STX4Turnon STX-4 for 1 orbit test.
08/28/200319:35:00BTX 2Turnon BTX-2 to end AMSU-A1 channel-7 data quality test
08/28/200319:30:00BTX 1Turnoff BTX1
08/28/200319:25:00BTX 1Turnon BTX-1 to support AMSU-A1 data quality test.
08/28/200319:20:00BTX 2Turnoff BTX-2 for AMSU-A1 Channel 7 data quality test.
06/05/200312:00:00STX4No degradation of data using transmitter, Power at turn-on is 6.4w then slowly gets to 7.5w over several minutes.
05/12/200316:20:00STX4TURN STX4 OFF
05/12/200316:20:00STX4TURN STX4 OFF end CDA signal analysis
05/12/200314:40:00STX4TURN STX4 ON
04/30/200319:08:00STX4TurnOFF STX-4 power to end power analysis test.
04/30/200317:35:00STX4Turnon STX-4 for power output testing purposes
04/29/200310:51:00STX4STX-4 nominal power output appears to have degraded by approxemately 1 watt.
04/28/200308:34:00STX3STX-3 power of 8 watts nominal has dropped to 2 watts. Component downgraded to YELLOW status.
04/09/200320:20:00STX4Turn STX4 off to end Svalbard test.
04/07/200316:10:00STX4Turn STX4 on for 48hr Svalbard test.
10/10/200212:00:00STX1RF Iinterference experienced
10/10/200212:00:00STX2RF interference with (apparently) NOAA-9 being reported. Team formed to investigate
10/10/200212:00:00STX3RF interference with (apparently) NOAA-9 being reported. Team formed to investigate
10/10/200212:00:00STX4RF interference with (apparently) NOAA-9 being reported. Team formed to investigate
09/05/200218:10:00STX4Turnon STX-4 for 1 orbit (testing purposes)
08/27/200212:01:00BTX 1Turned off BTX1
08/27/200212:01:00BTX 2Turned on BTX2
08/20/200217:24:00STX4Turn STX 4 On
06/24/200218:56:00STX1On Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00STX2On Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00STX3On Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00STX4On Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00BTX 1On Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00BTX 2On Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00VTX1On Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00VTX2On Orbit