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NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

NOAA 17 CCS Subsystem Summary

Component Description Status
CIUControls Interface UnitGreen
CPC1Controls Power Converter 1Green
CPC2Controls Power Converter 2Green
CPU 1Central Processing Unit 1Green
CPU 2Central Processing Unit 2Green
CXUCIU AnnexGreen
DAU1Decription Authentication Unit -1Green
DAU2Decription Authentication Unit -2Green
GRD1GSTDN Receiver/demodulator #1Green
GRD2GSTDN Receiver/demodulator #2Green
RXO 1Primary Redundant Crystal OscillatorGreen
RXO 2Backup Redundant Crystal OscillatorGreen
SCUSignal conditional unitGreen

Subsystem History:

Date Time Component Description
04/10/201314:41:39 Configure spacecraft and ground to clear mode
04/10/201312:27:58 Deactivates NOAA-17
04/10/201310:40:24 Disable macro processing
02/25/201316:28:09 Load safety macros (0011-001F) for GYE test
02/14/201319:07:42 TIP02 Swap -Set JDAY on the s/c
02/14/201319:07:42 TIP Swap - Set JDAY on the s/c
02/12/201313:16:39 TIP01 Swap -Set JDAY on the s/c
01/10/201312:55:53 Clear Yaw Bias (M&L)
07/07/201019:30:42CPU 2Send 1-Word sent to NOAA-17 to verify that SADPOS is disabled.
01/12/200916:13:53 Switches S/C and ground system to key 2.
03/28/200619:08:00 TIP back to orbit mode with 1 sec bus voltage dwell
03/28/200619:07:00 Put GYRO 2 motor current into highspeed dwell for 60 sec
03/28/200619:06:00 TIP back to orbit mode with 1 sec bus voltage dwell
03/28/200619:05:00 Put GYRO 1 motor current into highspeed dwell for 60 sec
02/16/200619:24:00CPU 2Send 1 word
02/16/200619:22:00CPU 2Send 1 word
12/31/200523:35:00CPU 2Substract 1.5 second (1500 msecs) from spacecraft command clock CONTROL side to compensate for leap second on 1 Jan 06 and general drift throughout the year.
12/31/200522:35:00CPU 1Substract 1.5 second (1500 msecs) from spacecraft command clock NON-CONTROL side to compensate for leap second on 1 Jan 06 and general drift throughout the year.
09/27/200415:58:00 Changes CPU TLM table 1 (LASTSCRB replacing VGPC(3))
02/24/200423:30:00CPU 1Add 125 msec to spacecraft command clock NON-control side.
02/24/200423:30:00CPU 2Add 125 msec tospacecraft command clock CONTROL side.
02/08/200414:12:00CPU 2CPU-2 experienced hundreds of single event upset (errors) that required scrubbing over a 3 orbit period.
12/23/200323:31:00CPU 2Bias daily 24 hr. ETCUP to include -3 msec. control side.
12/23/200323:30:00CPU 2Subtract 100 msec from spacecraft command clock control side.
12/23/200322:30:00CPU 1Subtract 100 msec from spacecraft command clock NON-control side.
12/22/200318:30:00CPU 1CPU-1 experienced hundreds of single event upset (errors) that required scrubbing over a 3 orbit period.
10/23/200323:00:00CPU 2Subtract 50 msec from spacecraft command clock control side.
10/23/200321:12:00CPU 1Subtract 50 msec from spacecraft command clock NON-control side.
06/24/200218:56:00RXO 1On Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00RXO 2On Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00CIUOn Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00CPU 1On Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00CPU 2On Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00CXUOn Orbit
06/24/200218:56:00SCUOn Orbit