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NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

NOAA 16 EPS Subsystem Summary

Component Description Status
ADESolar Array Drive ElectronicsGreen
BAT 1Battery # 1Green
BAT 2Battery # 2Green
BAT 3Battery # 3Green
BRU 1Battery Reconditioning Unit 1Green
BRU 2Battery Reconditioning Unit 2Green
BRU 3Battery Reconditioning Unit 3Green
PSEPower Supply ElectronicsGreen
SASolar ArrayGreen
SADSolar Array DriveGreen
SATCUSolar Array Telemetry Commutator UnitGreen
SHUNT ASolar Array Shunt Drive AGreen
SHUNT BSolar Array Shunt Drive BGreen

Subsystem History:

Date Time Component Description
06/03/201415:43:47SASolar Array offset to -57.5 deg.
05/23/201414:37:03BAT 1Set all batteries to a V/T of 6 at Cutback
05/23/201414:37:03BAT 2Set all batteries to a V/T of 6 at Cutback
05/23/201414:37:03BAT 3Set all batteries to a V/T of 6 at Cutback
05/22/201416:32:16SASolar Array offset to -55 deg.
05/21/201415:05:18 Set PMS low SOC threshold to 26Ah.
05/21/201415:03:07BAT 2Restore battery 2 to operations.
05/15/201417:54:50 Set battery 1 V/T to 4/5.
05/15/201414:37:06SASolar Array offset to -60 deg.
05/14/201414:49:48BAT 2Initialize BATREC software.
05/14/201414:46:48SASolar Array offset to -55 deg.
05/14/201414:44:05 Online Battery Threshold for Medium Charge set to 4A.
05/07/201417:50:00BAT 2Connect letdown resistor for Bat 2 discharge.
05/07/201414:35:44BAT 2Begin Bat 2 discharge in eclipse for reconditioning.
05/07/201414:33:51 Set PMS low SOC threshold to -26Ah.
01/30/201415:57:39 Battery Day/Night Patch Current threshold set to 90 mA
01/29/201416:09:42SASolar Array offset -60 deg.
05/15/201315:13:58SASolar Array offset to -55 deg.
11/13/201223:24:42PSECleared Sun Lost Flag that was triggered during Total Solar Eclipse.
08/16/201213:07:55 Set Batteries to Medium Charge Rate
08/07/201216:33:15SASolar Array Offset adjusted to -50 deg. to reduce bus voltage spiking and wear on shunts.
07/31/201214:38:28 Set Battery 1 & 3 V/T to 4 at Sun Return and 5 at Cutback
07/27/201213:47:26 Set Battery 1, 2 & 3 V/T to 4 at Sun Return and 6 at Cutback
07/26/201217:17:17 Set Battery 1, 2 & 3 V/T to 4 at Sun Return and 4 at Cutback
12/20/201114:12:38SAThe Solar Array will be moved from a -35 deg. offset to a -45 deg. offset.
09/28/201113:59:26SASolar Array was moved from a -20 deg. offset to a -35 deg. offset in order to reduce spiking in Partial Shunt Drive A's Voltage and to prevent Bus Voltage spikes.
04/19/201017:50:12SASolar Array was moved from a 0 deg. offset to a -20 deg. offset to shade portions of the spacecraft heating up due to the increasing sun angle of the spacecraft. This move also helps reduce wear on the shunts.
02/18/201016:09:00PSEAdjusted the SADPOS Thresholds to the following values: NSADSCI - 80 mA CSCLI1 - 120 mA CSCLI2 - 120 mA
02/18/201016:09:00PSEReset battery charge level to be based on GEODAT eclipse instead of the patch current.
09/23/200916:50:00SASA Offset changed from -20 deg. to 0 deg. due to low sun angle.
07/22/200903:42:23PSECleared PMS Status Trigger Word and Sun Lost Flags that were set due to Total Solar Eclipse.
05/05/200916:05:00SASolar Array to move to a -20 degree offset.
09/13/200716:27:00SAMoves array to -20 offset (from -30).
09/05/200718:00:00SAMoves array to -30 degrees (from -35)
08/27/200716:22:00SAMoves array to -35 degrees (from -40)
07/20/200720:12:00PSEPhase controller to primary
07/19/200718:58:43PSEPSE Switched to Redundant
09/22/200612:50:00 Sun-moon eclipse event occurred on 2 successive orbits between 12:50z and 14:30z. Deepest percentage of solar array occlusion was approx. 22%.
03/28/200610:50:00 Sun-moon eclipse event occurred on 1 orbit between 10:50z and 11:05z. Deepest percentage of solar array occlusion was approx. 22%.
10/03/200511:17:00SASolar eclipse between 11:17 through 11:30z. Maximum percent loss of array current was 40% down to 110 mAmps. SADPOS timer ran and batteries discharged from 11:22 through 11:26z. No reconfigurations required to prepare for this event.
04/08/200522:13:00SASolar eclipse between 22:13 throgh 22:25. SADPOS timer permanently changed to 12 minutes (from 8) in preparation. Maximum percent loss of array current was 26% down to 185 mAmps.
10/14/200412:30:00SASolar eclipse intermittently for 4 hours between 00:30 and 04:30. No reconfigurations performed in preparation.
10/14/200407:45:00SACommand solar array offset back to -40 degrees after SADPOS triggered during solar eclipse and placed offset to zero.
10/14/200406:04:00SADRe-enable SADCS control over Solar Array with SADPOS as backup. After solar eclipse trigger ed SADPOS as control and locked out CS.
10/14/200402:20:00SADSolar eclipse resulted in <150mAmp solar array current for more than 8 minutes triggering SADPOS control of solar array and a change in solar array offset to 0 degrees (from -40 degrees).
04/19/200412:00:00SASolar eclipse intermittently for 4 hours between 11:00 and 15:00 No reconfigurations required, Spacecraft remained nominal throughout.
11/24/200301:57:00BAT 1Command all 3 batteries to Low Rate Charge, end eclipse event.
11/23/200323:19:00SASolar eclipse for 16 minutes. 94% was maximum percent shading on solar array. SADPOS disabled for duration of event then re-enabled. Spacecraft remained nominal.
11/23/200322:33:00BAT 1Place all 3 batteries into Medium Rate Charge in prep for solar eclipse.
12/04/200201:00:00 Solar Eclipse - no impact
07/16/200216:00:00SASolar Array moved to -40 from -45 to stop slightly erratic charge profile
06/11/200212:15:00 Solar Eclipse - negligible effect on spacecraft
01/29/2002BAT 2Battery 2A temperature higher than others
01/17/200218:15:00BAT 1Charge rate changed from MED to LOW
01/17/200218:15:00BAT 2Charge rate changed from MED to LOW
01/17/200218:15:00BAT 3Charge rate changed from MED to LOW
01/15/200215:35:00SASolar Array offset changed from -35 to -45 degs to reduce shunt temperatures
01/09/2002SHUNT AShunt Temps running high, to much excess charge
01/09/2002SHUNT BShunt Temps running high, to much excess charge
06/21/2001 Solar eclipse no adverse effects
04/15/2001 Solar flare no adverse effects
04/04/2001 Solar flare no adverse effects
12/05/2000SAArray bias returned to -43 degrees following SADPOS anomaly
11/16/2000SASolar array bias changed to -43 degrees
11/14/2000SASolar array bias changed to -53 degrees
09/21/200010:56:00BAT 1On Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00BAT 2On Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00BAT 3On Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00BRU 1On Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00BRU 2On Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00BRU 3On Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00SHUNT AOn Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00SHUNT BOn Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00SAOn Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00SADOn Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00PSEOn Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00ADEOn Orbit
09/21/200010:56:00SATCUOn Orbit
SASADPOS Thresholds were adjusted to pre-low sun angle values.
PSEReset battery charge level to be based on patch current since low sun angle period has passed.