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NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

NOAA 14 DCS Subsystem Summary

Component Description Status
ANTENNAData Collection Subsystem - UHF Collection AntennaGreen
DPUData Collection Subsystem - Data Processing UnitGreen
DRUData Recovery UnitGreen
PCUData Collection Subsystem Power and Command UnitGreen
RECEIVERData Collection Subsystem Receiver and Search UnitGreen
RPUReceiver and Power UnitGreen
SPUSignal Processing UnitGreen

Subsystem History:

Date Time Component Description
09/30/200607:31:00 DCS autonomously powered on to increase loading (and reduce shunt stress) by overvoltage safing macro after bus voltage exceeded 29 volts
09/28/200617:02:00 Major spacecraft attitude perturbation resulted in autonomous battery undervoltage safing macro implementation turning off DCS.
12/30/199410:36:00PCUOn Orbit
12/30/199410:36:00RECEIVEROn Orbit
12/30/199410:36:00DPUOn Orbit
12/30/199410:36:00ANTENNAOn Orbit
12/30/199410:36:00DRUOn Orbit
12/30/199410:36:00RPUOn Orbit
12/30/199410:36:00SPUOn Orbit