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NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations

NOAA 12 CCS Subsystem Summary

Component Description Status
CIUControls Interface Unit
CPC1Controls Power Converter 1Green
CPC2Controls Power Converter 2Green
CPU 1Central Processing Unit 1Green
CPU 2Central Processing Unit 2Green
CXUCIU AnnexGreen
GRD1GSTDN Receiver/demodulator #1Green
GRD2GSTDN Receiver/demodulator #2Green
RXO 1Primary Redundant Crystal OscillatorGreen
RXO 2Backup Redundant Crystal OscillatorGreen
SCUSignal conditional unitGreen

Subsystem History:

Date Time Component Description
08/10/200717:12:00CIUOpens hardware CAP
08/10/200717:12:00 Deactivates NOAA-12
07/30/200415:21:00CIUClose CIU Hardware CAP (UVTRIP Recovery operation)
12/10/200312:01:00CPU 2Initiate +6.5 mSec daily clock correction to compensate for drift.
10/17/200317:40:00CPU 2Add 1000 msec to spacecraft command clock control side.
10/17/200317:40:00CPU 2Verify stored command table restarts at correct location
10/01/200317:30:00CPU 2Disabled yaw updates to both CPUs
09/24/200321:40:00CPU 1Dumps word in location 12E9
05/14/199115:26:00RXO 1On Orbit
05/14/199115:26:00RXO 2On Orbit
05/14/199115:26:00CIUOn Orbit
05/14/199115:26:00CPU 1On Orbit
05/14/199115:26:00CPU 2On Orbit
05/14/199115:26:00CXUOn Orbit
05/14/199115:26:00SCUOn Orbit