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Green Vegetation Fraction (GVF)

The S-NPP VIIRS GVF system has been running operationally at NDE since February 2015, and now continue generated in NDE Vegetation Products Processing System (NVPS). The NVPS will produce daily rolling weekly Green Vegetation Fraction from S-NPP VIIRS granule data and J01 VIIRS granule data. The GVF output files include a 0.009 ○ (1-km) GVF regional file, and a 0.036 ○ (4-km) GVF global file, both in NetCDF4 format. The NetCDF4 output will be converted to GRIB2 at NDE using a standalone conversion tool. The daily rolling weekly production scheme means that the GVF products are derived from VIIRS input data from the past 7 days, but the output is generated every day.

The GVF product is smooth and therefore no quality flags provided in the output file. For detailed information about the GVF algorithm, see our documentation page.

NPP GVF Weekly Global

NPP GVF Weekly Global

J01 GVF Weekly Global

J01 GVF Weekly Global

NPP GVF Weekly Regional

NPP GVF Weekly Regular

J01 GVF Weekly Regional

J01 GVF Weekly Regular