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Operational Daily GCOM-W1 AMSR-2 Maps

Map Types
Available Dates

The NOGAPS map is categorized into a single type:

The Daily map displays both brightness temperatures (BTs) and geophysical parameters (GPs), as detailed in the Products table. It shows these BTs and GPs images for the past 7 days, providing a comprehensive view of recent data.

For storm-related information, the Daily map includes the latest tropical disturbances (INVEST), tropical depressions, and stronger storms across each basin, using the most recent GCOM swaths. Storm images are shown with brightness temperature through the 36.5 GHz band.

To quickly switch between ascending and descending passes (for cylindrical maps) or northern and southern hemispheres (for polar stereographic maps such as seaice), press the left and right arrow keys.

Move the mouse pointer over a certain map location to get a magnified view.