Visible calibration update for the month of October
*Date/Time(UTC) Message Issued:*
26 September 2007, 1130 UTC
*Satellite(s) Involved:*
NOAA-16, 17, 18, & MetOp-2/A
*Instrument(s) Involved:*
*Product(s) Involved/Affected:*
All Products
*Date/Time(UTC) of Initial Implementation:*
9 October 2007, Time TBD UTC
*Details/Specifics of Change:*
The following update of the calibration coefficients are planned
for the monthly October update:
Ch_1_lo = 0.05236*count - 2.117, count<501.00
Ch_1_hi = 0.1547*count - 53.40, count>501.00
Ch_2_lo = 0.06288*count - 2.500, count<500.00
Ch_2_hi = 0.18677*count - 64.49, count>500.00
Ch_3_lo = 0.03077*count - 1.265, count<502.00
Ch_3_hi = 0.21374*count - 93.10, count>502.00
Ch_2_lo = 0.06159*count - 2.427, count<500.00
Ch_2_hi = 0.1848*count - 64.39, count>500.00
[Note: Our results show that NOAA-18 AVHRR channel 1 degrades at a very stable rate recently. There is no change of NOAA-18 AVHRR Ch1 calibration coefficients over the past
three months.]
Ch_1_lo = 0.05571*count - 2.230, count<501.12
Ch_1_hi = 0.1636*count - 56.27, count>501.12
Ch_2_lo = 0.06725*count - 2.640, count<500.73
Ch_2_hi = 0.2002*count - 69.31, count>500.73
Ch_3_lo = 0.03241*count - 1.366, count<501.37
Ch_3_hi = 0.2272*count - 99.19, count>501.37
Ch_1_lo = 0.05587*count - 2.154, count<498.96
Ch_1_hi = 0.1631*count - 55.42, count>498.96
Ch_2_lo = 0.06067*count - 2.292, count<500.16
Ch_2_hi = 0.1787*count - 61.34, count>500.16
These coefficients are intended to be optimal on 27 October,
in the middle of the two scheduled updates.
*Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions:*
Emily Harrod Emily.Harrod@noaa.gov 301-817-3882 operations support
Fangfang.Yu Fangfang.Yu@noaa.gov 301-763-8042 instrument scientist
*Web site(s) that contain other relevant information (where applicable):*
http://www.osdpd.noaa.gov/PSB/PPP/PPP.html - History of level 1B notices
http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/SATS/messages.html - All user notices
http://www.oso.noaa.gov/poes/index.htm - SOCC polar satellite status
http://www.oso.noaa.gov/goes/index.htm - SOCC geostationary satellite status
Bill Byerly
perotsystems� Government Services
Pre-Product Processing Group
NSOF, Room 1867
Suitland Federal Center
Suitland, Maryland 20223-9909
(301) 817-3874
email William.Byerly@noaa.gov