Subject: NOAA-16,AMSU-B, Reprocessed data sets, Implementation Date 13 September 2006- Issued: Date issued 13 September 2006; time issued 19:50 UTC
AMSU-B data reprocessed for NOAA-16
*Date/Time(UTC) Message Issued:*
13 September 2006 19:50 UTC
*Satellite(s) Involved:*
*Instrument(s) Involved:*
*Product(s) Involved/Affected:*
No products affected - reprocessed data from previous orbits
*Date/Time(UTC) of Initial Implementation:*
13 September 2006 15:42 UTC
*Details/Specifics of Change:*
Operations has reprocessed the following NOAA-16 AMSU-B GAC 1B* data sets.
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06255.S1542.E1719.B3079394.GC PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06255.S1714.E1908.B3079495.WI PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06255.S1903.E2024.B3079596.WI PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06255.S2019.E2213.B3079597.GC PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06255.S2209.E0003.B3079798.GC PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06255.S2357.E0138.B3079899.GC PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06256.S0135.E0323.B3079900.GC PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06256.S0319.E0512.B3080001.WI PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06256.S0507.E0701.B3080102.WI PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06256.S0658.E0848.B3080203.WI PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06256.S0842.E1029.B3080304.WI PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06256.S1024.E1219.B3080405.GC PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06256.S1213.E1346.B3080506.GC PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06256.S1341.E1535.B3080607.GC PS F 3072 3072
NSS.AMBX.NL.D06256.S1530.E1707.B3080708.GC PS F 3072 3072
These data were reprocessed utilizing the updated gross limits for the AMSU-B instrument. Previously this data was filtered due to exceeding the limits. It is now available with the appropriate calibration for users who may have been unable to process the data .
*Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions:*
Emily Harrod
Physical Scientist
301-457-5247 ext 117
Cecil A. Paris,PMP
Physical Scientist
301-457-5247 ext 129
*Web site(s) that contain other relevant information (where applicable):* - History of level 1B notices - All user notices - SOCC polar satellites status - SOCC morning reports
* Emily D. Harrod
* Product Systems Branch
* Pre-Product Processing Group
* E/SP13, Federal Building #4, room 0318
* 5200 Auth Road
* Suitland, Maryland 20746-4304
* voice 301-457-5247 ext 117
* fax 301-457-5199
* email
NOAA-1,AMSU-B, Reprocessed data sets,.eml