
All satellites,All intrumnets, Notification of Upcoming Events at NOAA, 06 October 2006 - Issued: 06 September 2006; 1930 UTC

Notification of Upcoming Events at NOAA

Date/Time(UTC) Message Issued:
06 September 2006, 1930 UTC

Satellite(s) Involved:
All satellites

Instrument(s) Involved:
All Instruments

Product(s) Involved/Affected:
All Products

Date/Time(UTC) of Initial Implementation:
06 October 2006, Time TBD UTC

Details/Specifics of Change:

Attached is the official memo outlining significant events occurring within Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution (OSDPD) over the next few weeks. Please make note of these events and take immediate action to continue your operations. The major points are provided below:

* Retirement of the Amdahl mainframe on October 6, 2006 (also known as � On October 6, 2006, all processing on the Amdahl mainframe will cease. This is a firm date. The Amdahl, which runs the IBM z/OS operating system, is being replaced with multiple systems running the IBM AIX operating system. The Amdahl has been used for both product processing and product distribution. These functions have been ported to new systems, and will affect users in the following way:

o Porting of product processing � Because processing has been ported from the z/OS environment to the AIX environment, there may be changes to some OSDPD products. Users have already been contacted by the product area leads about any data format changes, and have been provided with test data from the ported product systems. Some data conversion may be necessary for binary data files. All character data will be in ASCII format.

o Porting of data distribution � Data distribution is being moved to a new Data Distribution Server (DDS). All users who currently exchange data with the Amdahl system have been contacted about the switch of data distribution from the Amdahl to the DDS. Users have been testing with the DDS since February and some have already switched their operations to the DDS. However, a few of the products on the DDS from ported product systems are still going through final evaluation. Cathy Nichols will be contacting users as soon as all of their products have been declared operational on the DDS. Users can prepare by testing their processes to download data from the DDS and switching from the Amdahl as soon as all of their products are declared operational on the DDS.

* Termination of NOAA-12 and 14 instrument data � Current 1B processing for NOAA-12 and NOAA-14 will cease when the Amdahl is retired on October 6. Only DCS and SEM 1B data from NOAA-12 and NOAA-14 will be available after that date.

* MetOp-2/A Launch � MetOp-2/A launch is currently scheduled for October 7, 2006. After the launch, OSDPD will operate under the following policy to support data processing of NOAA instrument data from MetOp-2/A.

o Delay in 1B data availability - Data will not be made available to the general user community until at least 60 days after launch. At that time users will be provided with data to test their systems. Data will not be declared operational before EUMETSAT does so. Users are advised that to redistribute the data as operational, or use it as operational during this check out period, will be done at your own risk.

o Level 1B Format change - There will be a slight change in the 1B format, and details will be published soon. This change is not expected to impact users since it involves fields that are not required for product processing. Please note that the KLM Users� Guide does not contain the latest MetOp updates. A separate notice will be sent out next week regarding the 1B format changes.

Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions: 301-457-5247 ext. 117
Cathy 301-457-5247 ext. 128

Web site(s) that contain other relevant information (where applicable): - History of level 1B notices - All user notices - SOCC polar satellite status - SOCC geostationary satellite status - SOCC morning reports

* Emily D. Harrod
* Computer Operations Branch
* Pre-Product Processing Group
* E/SP11, Federal Building #4, room 0318
* 5200 Auth Road
* Suitland, Maryland 20746-4304
* voice 301-457-5247 ext 117
* fax 301-457-5199
* email


Notice to Usersv1.pdf

