HIRS Filter Wheel Motor Instability and Loss of Sync
Date/Time(UTC) Message Issued:
3 June 2009, 1915 UTC
Satellite(s) Involved:
Instrument(s) Involved:
Product(s) Involved/Affected:
All Products/bad data
Date/Time(UTC) of Initial Implementation:
1 June 2009, Time 1933 UTC
Details/Specifics of Change
On day 152, 1 June 2009, on orbit 57459, the NOAA-15 HIRS Filter Wheel Motor Current and Sync Delta reached a point where no data was usable. The Satellite Operations Control Center issued the following information: "NOAA-15 HIRS Filter Wheel Motor Instability: The NOAA-15 HIRS Filter Motor instabilities that began on May 10, 2009 (09/130) continue. Engineers observed a surge in the Channel 1 Period Monitor range. There was also loss of Filter Wheel Sync which had been occurring only a few times per orbit but has become continuous since May 26, 2009 (09/146)". SOCC is looking at a possible procedure to improve the data.
Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions:
Emily Harrod 301-817-3882 Level 1B operations support
Renee Smith, Dearing 301-817-4117 SOCC Operations
Web site(s) that contain other relevant information (where applicable): - History of level 1B notices - All user notices - SOCC polar satellite status