POES Constellation Update
Date/Time(UTC) Message Issued:
22 January 2007, 2015 UTC
Satellite(s) Involved:
Instrument(s) Involved:
All instruments
Product(s) Involved/Affected:
All Products
Date/Time(UTC) of Initial Implementation:
25 January 2007, Time 1800 UTC
Details/Specifics of Change:
Since Metop data will become operational within a few months, a NOAA POES Data Constellation Meeting will be held on January 25 to discuss changes to the current POES constellation and review status for Metop operations. At this meeting we will discuss the data usage needs of our customers. Will you provide information on your level 1b data mission critical data requirements. We specifically need to know the importance of continued support of the backup satellite data (NOAA-15, 16, and 17). We have heard from some areas and would like to make sure we are not overlooking some important issues. We regret asking for this info at the last minute but appreciate any information you are able to provide.
Thanks for your support.
Items to consider:
* MetOp is proposed to go operational six months after launch � Apr 2007
o MetOp will assume primary AM orbit mission requirements
o N17 will assume backup status
o N18 blind orbits from Svalbard should become operational
* NOAA 12 still has a strong direct readout community because it has an operational AVHRR
* NOAA 14
o OSDPD is only processing N14 DCS and SEM. SARR data being used by regional stations
o What would be the impact of decommissioning N14?
* N15 still provides microwave (AMSU) observations from a 7:30 orbit
o Is there a need to continue processing passes on �Best Level Of Effort� basis
* Primary and backup satellite status after MetOp becomes operational with NOAA
o Primary satellite: MetOp (AM satellite) and N18 (PM satellite)
o Backup satellites: N15, N16, N17 (proposed priority)
* Are NOAA-17 LHRR data needed after Metop becomes operational?
Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions:
Emily Harrod 301-817-3882
Vincent Tabor 301-817-4552
Lakel Smilth 301-817-3893
Web site(s) that contain other relevant information (where applicable): - History of level 1B notices - All user notices - SOCC polar satellite status - SOCC geostationary satellite status - SOCC morning reports
* Emily D. Harrod
* Computer Operations Branch
* Pre-Product Processing Group
* E/SP11, NSOF, room 1460
* 4231 Suitland Road
* Suitland, Maryland 20746-4304
* voice 301-817-3882
* fax 301-817-3902
* email