Satellite Source: Landsat 8 Mode: Multispectral Resolution: 30 meter Image Date & Time: 05-06-2018 1631 UTC Confidence: High Issue Date: 05-07-2018 Region: Gulf of Mexico Location: 28°45'04" N, 89°42'53" W Coverage Area: 2.28 km^2 Remarks: Possible oil was observed in satellite imagery. This anomaly is unconfirmed as oil. The anomaly was observed in West Delta block 122. The anomaly measured 1.19 NM in length and 0.44 NM in width. Winds were 15 kts out of the NE. Confidence that the anomaly seen was oil is high. The anomaly appeared to be originating from an oil facility. It exhibited sheen in sunglint indicating the presence of thick oil. Uncertainties: The anomaly maybe some other unnatural substance from the oil facility. Analyst: Westbrook For further information on oil spill response and assessment please visit: