Update #3 Degraded performance has been found in the OGDRs. The investigation is ongoing and the OGDRs should not be used in operations until a future notice.
Update #2 The first series of orbital maneuvers of Jason-3 as part of the new tandem with Sentinel-6 MF have been successfully completed. The Poseidon-3B altimeter on board Jason-3 was restarted yesterday, January 30, 2025 at 1305Z. Routine Poseidon calibrations began today, on January 31, 2025, and an Advanced Microwave Radiometer (AMR) calibration is scheduled for February 1, 2025 at 1509Z. Please also note that nominal production of Jason-3 OGDR products resumed today, January 31, 2025, with the GDR-G standard. Please note the file name change from "f" to "g" (e.g., JA3_OPN_2PgS500_215_20250131_014049_20250131_034018.nc).
Update 1: Jason-3 maneuvers have begun, but the Poseidon-3B altimeter is still active. Until Poseidon-3B is placed in standby mode, which is planned around January 9th, OGDRs will be generated and their quality could be degraded. Any OGDRs being distributed will not be considered operational until transfer to the tandem orbit with Sentinel-6/MF is complete and users are notified.
Topic: Jason-3 Move to Tandem Phase and Extended Product Outage
Date/Time Issued: January 31, 2025 2018Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: Jason-3 Operational Geophysical Data Records (OGDRs)
Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 7, 2025
Date/Time of Expected End: January 30, 2025
Length of Event: 23 Days
Details/Specifics of Change: Jason-3 will change its orbit to join Sentinel6-MF for a new tandem phase. A series of maneuvers will be executed, beginning tomorrow January 7, 2025, ending by the end of January or early February, depending on efficiency of preceding maneuvers. During the move, Poseidon3B will be put in standby mode, so there will be no mission and no data.
You will be notified when the mission resumes.
Contact Information: David Donahue Satellite Products and Services Division NOAA/NESDIS/OSPO/SPSD/SPB (301) 683-3236 David.R.Donahue@noaa.gov
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