Update #1: On Tuesday, January 28, at around 18:00 UTC, the NOAA OSPO JPSS Engineering team will restore S-NPP's ATMS instrument to Operational mode after disabling its scan drive compensator motor. 

ATMS data will be included in S-NPP's High-Rate Data (HRD) / Direct Broadcast. However, this data shall not be used for any operational purposes until the ATMS Calibration / Validation team confirms that the Stored Mission Data (SMD) meets mission specifications for product processing. 

A subsequent update to this Notice will indicate when S-NPP ATMS data products are ready for operational use.

Topic: S-NPP ATMS in Safe Hold

Date/Time Issued: November 19, 2024 1932Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: All S-NPP ATMS data and products

Date/Time of Initial Impact: 1630 Z November 19, 2024

Date/Time of expected end Time: TBD

Duration: TBD

Details: The ATMS instrument on the S-NPP satellite was placed in Safe Hold at 1630 Z on November 19, 2024 and will be offline until further notice. The S-NPP Stored Mission Data (SMD) downlinks and High-Rate Data (HRD) broadcast will omit all data from ATMS. This will result in an outage of all S-NPP ATMS Application Packets, RDRs, SDRs, and TDRs, as well as S-NPP ATMS BUFR, MiRS, HISA, and Snowfall Rate products. Blended Hydro, ALPW, and eTRaP products will omit their S-NPP component.

Background: Beginning November 6, 2024, the S-NPP ATMS telemetry showed elevated temperatures, currents, and voltages from the scan drive compensator motor. The OSPO JPSS Engineering team is in the process of diagnosing the issue and preparing mitigation measures. The ATMS instrument was placed into Safe Hold to prevent possible damage to the instrument scan drive compensator motor function.

Note: S-NPP is the tertiary satellite in the JPSS constellation. NOAA-21 and NOAA-20 satellites continue to provide ATMS and other science data as the primary and secondary JPSS satellites, therefore meeting requirements.

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