The L3S ACSPO patch, ADT, Ocean Heat Content (OHC), and the METOP - B, METOP-C (GOME V8TOz) are being updated on February 5, 2025. The Blended Hydro & Bundled Products with N21 and G16/G18 capability, AiDT, GOES-R Clear Sky Radiance (CSR), All Sky Radiance (ASR) & BUFR products, GAASP Snow, GAASP Precipitation will be promoted to PDA OPS on February 12, 2025.
Updated products included in this release are:
Blended Hydro & Bundled Products (with N21 and G16/G18 capability) generation in NCCF
Impact on users: Yes Filename and PDA shortname change: NO Changes on PDA short names but the version on file names will be updated from “v2r0” to “v4r0” PDA shortname | old filename | New filename Filename | BHP_TPW | BHP-TPW_v02r0_blend_s* | BHP-TPW_v04r0_blend_s* | |
BHP_PCT | BHP-PCT_v02r0_blend_s* | BHP-PCT_v04r0_blend_s* | |
BHP_RR | BHP-RR_v02r0_blend_s* | BHP-RR_v04r0_blend_s* | BUNDLED_BHP_TPW | Blended-Hydro_TPW_MAP_d*.tar | Blended-Hydro_TPW_MAP_d*.tar | BUNDLED_BHP_PCT | Blended-Hydro_PCT_MAP_d*.tar | Blended-Hydro_PCT_MAP_d*.tar | BUNDLED_BHP_RR | Blended-Hydro_RR_MAP_d*.tar | Blended-Hydro_RR_MAP_d*.tar | Blended_TPW_Images_archive | Blended-Hydro_TPW_IMG_d\d{8}\.tar | N/A | Blended_RR_Images_archive | Blended-Hydro_RR_IMG_d\d{8}\.tar | N/A | TPW_Anomaly_Images_archive | Blended-Hydro_PCT_IMG_d\d{8}\.tar | N/A | Blended_Hydro_RR_Composite_McIDAS | BLENDED_RR_COMPOSIT%_v%_Blended_s*_e*_c*.mcAREA | N/A | Blended_Hydro_TPW_Composite_Smooth_GPS_McIDAS | TPW_COMPOSITE_SMOOTH_GPS_v%_Blended_s*_e*_c*.mcAREA | N/A | Blended_Hydro_TPW_Composite_Smooth_McIDAS | TPW_COMPOSITE_SMOOTH_v%_Blended_s*_e*_c.mcAREA | N/A | Blended_Hydro_TPW_Composite_Smooth_PCT_McIDAS | TPW_COMPOSITE_SMOOTH_PCT_v%_Blended_s*_e*_c*..mcAREA | N/A |
List of Scientific Changes: Add G16/G19 and N21 to the blended TPW Remove N19 from blended TPW Add N21 to the blended RR Remove N19 and DMSP-F17/F18 from blended RR Add advected POES into blended TPW, with a new blending approach preferred by forecasters in testbed evaluations. 'Satellite_Number' variable in the blended TPW has been changed to only include:
a)POLAR means the data is advected Microwave TPW; (value = 50) b)GPS_EXTRAP means it is extrapolated GPS (used over land only); (value = 251) c)GOES-E and GOES-W are where GOES TPW was used in the final product; (values 100 for East and 150 for West) bTPW and bRR image archive files will not be generated(Stop to be archived at NCEI) Blended Hydro McIDAS area file will not be generated.
Operational product generation of AiDT products
Impact on users: Yes PDA short names and file names: No Change to existing products, but the version number in filenames will be updated from “v1r2” to “v2r0”.
PDA Short Names | PDA File Names | NESDIS_DVTO | New/Old | NESDIS_DVTO_\d{12}_d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)_FIX ( no change in filename) | NESDIS_AIDT | New | NESDIS_AIDT_\d{12}_d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)_FIX | ADT_LISTING | Old | ADT-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)-list_v1r2_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.txt | New | ADT-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)-list_v2r0_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.txt | ADT_PLOTS | Old | ADT-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)_v1r2_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.png | New | ADT-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)_v2r0_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.png | AIDT_LISTING | New | AiDT-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P-list_v2r0_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.txt | AIDT_PLOT | New | AiDT-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)_v2r0_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.jpg | ARCHER_AMSR2_PLOT | New | ARCHER-AMSR2-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)_v2r0_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.png | ARCHER_EYESCORE_PLOT | New | ARCHER-MWeyescore-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)_v2r0_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.png | ARCHER_MW_PLOT | New | ARCHER-GMI-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)_v2r0_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.png | ARCHER_IR_PLOT | New | ARCHER-IR-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)_v2r0_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.png | ARCHER_NIR_PLOT | New | ARCHER-nearIR-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)_v2r0_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.png | ARCHER_VIS_PLOT | New | ARCHER-VIS-d\{2}(L|E|C|W|A|B|S|P)_v2r0_multi_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}\.png |
List of Scientific Changes: Algorithm software updates for improved products and performance. New AiDTproducts featuring enhanced storm intensity estimates. Standardize the ADT and AiDT FIX product files
GOES-R Clear Sky Radiance (CSR) / All Sky Radiance (ASR) & BUFR Products
Impact on users: None PDA short names and file names: No change
PDA Short Names | PDA File Names | ABI_L2_ASRF | OR-ABI-L2-ASRF-M<m>_v2r2_G<sat>_s<start>_e<end>_c<creation>.nc | ABI_L2_CSRF | OR-ABI-L2-CSRF-M<m>_v2r2_G<sat>_s<start>_e<end>_c<creation>.nc | ABI_L2_ASRF_BUFR | ABI-L2-ASRF-M6_v2r2_g<sat>_s<start>_e<end>_c<creation>.bufr | ABI_L2_CSRF_BUFR | ABI-L2-CSRF-M6_v2r2_g<sat>_s<start>_e<end>_c<creation>.bufr |
List of Scientific Changes: Add G16/18/19 to the products Impact on users: None PDA short names and file names: No change L3S ACSPO Patch products generation in NCCF
PDA Short Names | PDA File Names | ACSPO_SST_L3S_AM-D | \d{14}-\w{4}-L3S_GHRSST-SSTsubskin-LEO_AM_D-ACSPO_V\d{1}\.\d{2}\-v\d{2}\.\d{1}-fv\d{2}\.\d{1}\.nc | ACSPO_SST_L3S_AM-N | \d{14}-\w{4}-L3S_GHRSST-SSTsubskin-LEO_AM_N-ACSPO_V\d{1}\.\d{2}\-v\d{2}\.\d{1}-fv\d{2}\.\d{1}\.nc | ACSPO_SST_L3S_PM-D | \d{14}-\w{4}-L3S_GHRSST-SSTsubskin-LEO_PM_D-ACSPO_V\d{1}\.\d{2}\-v\d{2}\.\d{1}-fv\d{2}\.\d{1}\.nc | ACSPO_SST_L3S_PM-N | \d{14}-\w{4}-L3S_GHRSST-SSTsubskin-LEO_PM_N-ACSPO_V\d{1}\.\d{2}\-v\d{2}\.\d{1}-fv\d{2}\.\d{1}\.nc |
Impact on users: Processing delay time might improve. PDA short names and file names: No change Enterprise V8TOz (GOME V8TOz) LUT Update in NCCF
Short Name Level 2 EDR File (for satellite m01/m02)
GOME-TO-L2_BUFR ((for satellite m01/m02)
| FileName Level 2 EDR File
New file name:
New filename: V8TOZ-EDR_v1r1_m01_s202411211550560_e202411211553560_c202411211642000.bufr
Impact on users: Better Product Quality due to implementing new soft calibration look up tables (LUT) for MetOpB/C (M01/M02)
PDA short names and file names: PDA Short names remain the same but revision number for two Level 2 products - .nc and bufr file names changed from v1r0 to v1r1 as mentioned above. Operational product generation Ocean Heat Content Product Suite update in NCCF:
Impact on users: Yes
PDA product file name changes
| PDA ShortName
| Platform
| Product FileName
| Old Name
| Blend
| New Name
| Blend
| Old Name
| Blend
| New Name
| Blend
| Old Name
| Blend
| New Name
| Blend
| Old Name
| H20-PNG
| Blend
| New Name
| H20-PNG
| Blend
| Old Name
| H26-PNG
| Blend
| New Name
| H26-PNG
| Blend
| Old Name
| Blend
| New Name
| Blend
| Old Name
| Blend
| New Name
| Blend
| Old Name
| Blend
| New Name
| Blend
List of Scientific Changes: Use of Sentinel-6 Sea Surface Height Anomalies (SSHAs) and retirement of Saral SSHAs as input.
Operational product generation GAASP Snow products in NCCF:
Impact on users: No
PDA product file name changes: No
PDA shortname
| Platform
| Product filename
| AMSR2-SNOW_v\dr\d_GW1_s\d{15}_e\d{15}_c\d{15}.nc
| |
Operational product generation GAASP Precipitation products in NCCF:
The AMSR2 Precipitation product is going to be migrated to NCCF. This change will be transparent to the users in terms of PDA subscription. The version number of the AMSR2 precipitation products will be changed to v03r0 from v02r2.
Impact on users: Yes Filename and PDA shortname change:NO Changes on PDA short names but the version on file names will be updated from “v2r2” to “v3r0” PDA shortname | old filename | New filename Filename | AMSR2_PRECIP | AMSR2-PRECIP_v2r2_GW1_s*_e*_c*.nc | AMSR2-PRECIP_v3r0_GW1_s*_e*_c*.nc | |
List of Scientific Changes: 1.With the most recent update of the GCOM Precip retrieval, AMSR2 rainfall rate and type estimates are derived using a fully parametric scheme, which now applies consistently across all observed FOVs and under all weather conditions. This change effectively retries the semi-empirical approach for deriving rainfall estimates over land surfaces used in previous algorithm versions. Version 3 (V3) introduces the Bayesian method over all surface types, removes the need for desert/cloud/snow pre-screening, and updates the use of ancillary information.
2. A priori database is now updated to include a total of 14 surface types, addressing the variability and changes in the presence of vegetation, snow, coast, ocean, inland water, and ocean ice within the satellite Field Of View (FOV). Ancillary information on Total Precipitation Water content, 2-meter Temperature and Dew Point, as well as the state of the snow/ice surface cover, is now obtained from NOAA GFS and Autosnow products. The overhaul of the retrieval results in significantly improved accuracy, coverage, and quality of the output. While the output file format is kept the same, minor adjustments are made to reflect the updates of the surface type, quality flags, and orbit statistics. The changes do not increase latency or processing time. Please note: This upgrade will not be performed during Critical Weather Day (CWD). Also, the contents of this release are subject to change based on user readiness, customer feedback, and management approval. Additional ESPC notifications will provide further details and updates concerning this release. User feedback and questions should be directed to Vaishali Kapoor (, Sheekela Baker-Yeboah (, Liqun Ma (, Aiwu.Li (, Hongming.Qi (, Jing Han (, and David Donahue ( Contact Information: For information on the status of this work, please contact the individual PAL or ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880 Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A This message was sent to You have been sent this and other notifications because you have opted in to receive it. If you wish to unsubscribe please contact the ESPC Help Desk at or (301) 817-3880. Please note: it may take up to two business days to process your unsubscribe request. |