Correction to Update #1: TIDAL operator reports MetOp-B data seems to have stopped again, so data is now considered to be intermittently received.


Update #1: ESPC reports some current MetOp-B data is beginning to be received, HRPT and data from McMurdo so far starting approximately 0606Z on December 31st.. MetOp-C data is still out.


Topic: MetOp-B/MetOp-C Data Delay


Date/Time Issued: December 31 2024  0854Z


 Product or Data Impacted:  MetOp-B/MetOp-C GDS FRAC data


 Date/Time of Initial Impact: December 31, 2024 0000Z


Date/Time of Expected End:  TBD


Length of the Outage/Event:  TBD


Details/Specifics of Change:  ESPC has not received any MetOp-B or MetOp-C data since the start of the new Julian day 366. Email sent to LEO Controller at Eumetsat.


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