Update #2: All missing data for rev. 68071 and rev. 68072 has been recovered and processed through IDPS.
Update #1: NPP Data was not received for REV 68071 or the following REV 68072. Engineering investigating. Data expected to be recovered on the next available contact.
Topic: JPSS NPP SMD Data Delay
Date/Time Issued: December 16, 2024 1626Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: JPSS NPP Data Products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: December 16, 2024 0831Z
Date/Time of Expected End Time: TBD
Length of Outage: TBD
Details/Specifics: JPSS NPP Stored Mission Data (SMD) for REV 68071 was not received. Data expected to be recovered on the next available contact.
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