Correction: After further investigation it appears 10389 14:16z McM was the only McMurdo pass that was not received. The following SVL rev 10390 at 15:09z received all the data at the JSH, but the missing MCM data was never seen or processed on IDPS. The SMD has been replayed from the SGE and is now processing. No further updates to follow. 

Update #3: All data has been recovered as of November 11, 2024 1720Z, from the SGE and is now processing. No further updates to follow.

Update 2: Engineering has rebooted the firewall as a fix for the network issue. The final repairs will occur on JD317. At this time C3S will begin chasing missed SMD PBKs.

Update: GCOMW1 data has also been affected by the network outage beginning with SVL contact 66410 (JD316 AOS 0045Z)

Topic: Data delayed for J02, J01 and NPP

Date/Time Issued:  November 11, 2024 1828Z


Product(s) or Data Impacted:  All J02, J01 and NPP Products


Date/Time of Initial Impact:   November 10, 2024 2308Z


Date/Time of Expected End: November 11, 2024 1720Z


Length of Outage: 18 Hours 12 Mins


Details/Specifics of Change: JPSS is currently experiencing an intermittent network outage. This is affecting C3S and IDPS. For J02 the data begins with SVL contact #10381 (JD 316 AOS 0001z), for J01 the data begins with SVL contact #36173(JD 315 AOS 2308z) and for NPP the data begins with FBK contact #67570(JD 316 AOS 0016z), Users may experience occasional data delay deliveries as the system goes up and down.


Contact Information:  For information on the status of this work please ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880


Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: N/A

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