Update #4: Operations continued spacecraft recovery efforts on S-NPP today July 25, 2024. The S-NPP CERES instrument was placed in CROSSTRACK mode on July, 2024, at 12:57 UTC. OMPS was placed in Operate mode on July 25, 2024, at 12:59 UTC. ATMS was placed in Operational mode on July 25, 2024, at 14:39 UTC. CrIS and VIIRS recovery is scheduled to commence next week.

Cal/Val are focusing their analysis on observed data following this timeline. This science data will be available through GRAVITE and CLASS through which the Cal/Val teams and PALs can perform their full analysis. S-NPP OMPS, CERES, and ATMS product subscriptions on PDA OPS will be enabled as each product is cleared for operations. OSPO will issue an ESPC Notification prior to distributing the product on PDA OPS. At that point CSPP LEO users can use the equivalent CSPP product for operations.


Correction for Update #3:

Update #3: Engineers discovered SNPP geolocation errors that affected science data/products that started at 05:28 UTC on July 24, 2024. Engineering has started spacecraft recovery activities. The S-NPP spacecraft is back to nominal mission point as of 18:22 UTC on July 24, 2024. All science data remains unavailable and will not be recoverable until further notice; however, all instruments are in a safe state. PDA OPS requests for all S-NPP Science products were disabled at 15:10 UTC on July 24, 2024. High Rate Data (HRD) is also disabled.

The NOAA-21 and NOAA-20 satellites will continue to provide JPSS science data needs as the primary and secondary satellites, respectively.


UPDATE: 2: SNPP is in SAFE HOLD. No data will be attempted to be recovered. No further updates will be provided until SMD is received from the spacecraft.


UPDATE #1:  SMD not received from rev 66016. GSE's are aware of the situation and are investigating. 


Topic:  NPP SMD Data Delay


Date/Time Issued:  July 25, 2024 2048Z


Product(s) or Data Impacted: NPP SMD products


Date/Time of Initial Impact:  July 24, 2024 T 0630Z


Date/Time of expected end Time:  TBD


Duration: Unknown


Details: No NPP SMD data was received on rev 66013 with AOS 0630Z from Svalbard. Data could not be recovered on rev 66014 and 66015. An attempt to recover SMD will be made on rev 66016 at Fairbanks with AOS 1142Z. GSE's are aware of the situation and are investigating. Expect updates to follow.


Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880   


Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: N/A


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