Correction:  See Below in Details/Specifics of Change 

Topic: Metop-C In-Plane Maneuver

Date/Time Issued: July 15, 2024 1532Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: All products from AMSU-A, ASCAT, GRAS, IASI, MHS, AVHRR in the Metop Global Data Service and Regional Data Service will be temporarily degraded. GOME-2 and SEM products will not be available.

Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 17, 2024 0827Z  J/DAY 199

Date/Time of Expected End: July 17, 2024 1414Z  J/DAY 199

Length of Event:   5 hours, 47 minutes

Details/Specifics of Change:  A Metop-C In-Plane Maneuver will be performed July 17, 2024.

The SEM instrument will be placed into Maneuver Mode at 08:27Z on July 17, 2024 and returned back to its Normal Operating Mode at 14:14Z that same day. The GOME instrument timeline ends and the mirror is parked before the burn at 11:35Z on July 17, 2024. The GOME timeline is reactivated at 13:17Z that same day. Data from the outage period will not be recovered nor distributed.  

Contact Information for Further Information: 
ESPC Help Desk at at 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for Applicable Information:
See for this and other satellite related messages.
See for more information Metop satellites


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