Correction: Change to Date/Time of Expected End : July 12, 2024 2200Z  J/DAY 194

Topic: GOES-East MDS Meso-1

Date/Time Issued: July 11, 2024 2322Z

Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES- East MDS Meso-1

Requested Center Point: 30.3N/87.1W  

Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 12, 2024 1600Z  J/DAY 194

Date/Time of Expected End: July 12, 2024 2200Z  J/DAY 1945 (194)

Length of Event: 6 Hours

Requester:  WFO Mobile

Priority: 5 National Event DSS/NSSE-SEAR/Radar Outage

Details/Specifics of Change: Support weather ops for Pensacola Airshow.

Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: SDM Total Operational Weather Readiness - Satellites (TOWR-S) Virtual Lab Forum