Topic: Jason-3 Error 

Date/Time Issued: May 29, 2024 1620Z
Product or Data Impacted: Jason-3  Revs. 39125 and 39126 

Date/Time of Initial Impact: May 29, 2024 1308Z

Date/Time of Expected End: N/A
Length of the Outage:  N/A
Details/Specifics of Change: ESPC received an email concerning an error for Jason-3. The EPS Controller reports: Today DOY 150, our monitoring system shows no “RAW TM” and no “TM for CNES” files received after a NOAA pass with AOS 13:08.  SOCC was contacted and they informed off some issues while making the JASON-3 files for EUMETSAT retrieval. As a result the columns for PLTM1 – OGDR PACK – BUFR – EXGATE – UMARF – EUMETCast are all empty. 
The following pass over NOAA station with AOS time at 15:04 we received double the size for OGDR products. Therefore there was a data delay for the previous pass.   UNS was raised: 10836 

Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880

Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: N/A

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