Update #2: Reminder – 2024 Planned PDA Partial Failover to CBU COOP Exercise June 5, 2024 – June 7, 2024

Date/Time Issued: May 21, 2024 1545Z


Update #1: Additional 2024 COOP Important Information.

Date/Time Issued:  April 30, 2024 1745Z



Topic:  2024 Planned PDA Partial Failover to CBU COOP Exercise


Date/Time Issued:  April 08, 2024 1840Z


Product(s) or Data Impacted:  All products distributed from PDA. Some products will be available at CBU and some will be unavailable for part of the maintenance window.  


Date/Time of Initial Impact: June 05, 2024 1300Z


Date/Time of Expected End: June 07, 2024 1700Z


Length of Event:  Estimated to be 52 Hours


Details/Specifics of Change:

On June 05, 2024 a Continuity of Operations (COOP) activity will take place initiating a failover of PDA operations to the Consolidated Backup (CBU) site in Fairmont WV. The transition to the CBU site is expected to take between 2 to 4 hours. When the CBU PDA system is active, data from the NCCF and JPSS environments will become available for users.


This will be a partial activation of the Consolidated Backup (CBU) site at Fairmont, WV. The failover is expected to begin with the first orbit received after 1300Z on June 05 and end with the next orbit received after 1700Z on June 07. The exact times of the failover will be announced closer to the event. It is noted that while in this data failover configuration, S-NPP, NOAA-20 and GCOM-W1 data and products will ONLY be available from CBU for the failover period of about 48 hours. When the COOP testing has completed, the configuration will be returned to the nominal PDA OPS system at NSOF


At this time we expect GOES-R and Legacy data will be available at NSOF. NDE on-prem, JPSS1, JPSS2, SNPP, and GCOM, data will be available at CBU. Files from NCCF, and some passthrough  data may be available at both the NSOF and CBU sites. To maximize available data, we encourage users to pull data from both sites during the COOP exercise. Pull users will be safe to retrieve data from both sites starting at the time of partial failover and until about 1.5 hours after the failback end time while the final NDE products are created at CBU. The transition back from the CBU site to the NSOF site is expected to take approximately 2 hours.


This is a high level announcement for awareness of general dates and details. In the near future follow-on notifications will provide more in-depth, product specific information regarding their availability.


PDA staff will be available to help troubleshoot users’ issues with failover from 0930 EDT / 1330 UTC until 1800 EDT / 2200 UTC on Wed June 05 and Thu June 06. PDA staff will also be available Fri June 07 from 1000 EDT / 1400 UTC until 1400 EDT / 1800 UTC for troubleshooting users’ failback issues. Email PDA_DHS@noaa.gov and a PDA Support team member will provide the Google Meet details or phone number.  


A declaration of Critical Weather (CWD) before or during this event will not postpone or change the date of the COOP. The COOP date is firm and JPSS data will only be available at CBU during those dates.


Contact Information for Further  Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880.    


Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A

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