Topic: GOES-16 - ABI L1b, Sec-CMI, Cloud and Moisture products delivered to AWIPS and GRB.
Date/Time Issued: May 08, 2024 2057Z
Product or Data Impacted: Product Anomaly/Outage: GOES-16 - ABI L1b, Sec-CMI, Cloud and Moisture CH1, 3, and 5 products delivered to AWIPS and GRB
Date/Time of Initial Impact: May 08, 2024 2010Z
Date/Time of Expected End: May 08, 2024 2020Z
Length of the Outage/Event: 0 Hrs 10 Mins
Details/Specifics of Change:  GOES-16 ABI L1b, Sec-CMI, Cloud and Moisture CH1, 3, and 5 products delivered to AWIPS and GRB due to an anomaly.
Contact information for further information: ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880 24x7 or during normal business hours