Topic: NOAA-18 Two-Orbit Long GAC Data Distribution and Processing Test

Date/Time Issued: April 30, 2024 0115Z (JDAY 122)

Product(s) or Data Impacted:  NOAA-18 GAC 

Date/Time of Initial Impact:   May 1, 2024 13:26:43Z (JDAY 122)

Date/Time of Expected End:    May 1, 2024 17:01:33Z (JDAY 122)

Length of Outage: 3 Hours 40 min


Details/Specifics of Change: 


Parsons will send a Level 0 data file to ESPC on May 1 for product processing. The file is expected to carry a two-orbit long GAC data, covering the observation time from 13:26:43z to 17:01:33z. The file will be used to test the relevant L1a and L1b product processing at NSOF. The possible outcomes include:

·      Two separate L1b GAC files, each of which is one orbit long;

·      One L1b GAC files, which is two orbits long, or

·      No L1b data files.

After the testing period, the nominal NOAA-18 data flow will resume.


Contact Information for Further  Information: ESPC Operations at and 301-817-3880.    


Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A  


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