Update #1:  The planned changes to the GOES-R Shortwave Radiation products have been delayed until early April of this year. 

Topic:  Changes to GOES-R Shortwave Radiation products

Date/Time Issued: February 27, 2024 1935 UTC


Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-16 & GOES-18 ABI L2 Reflected Shortwave Radiation and Downward Shortwave Radiation products


Date/Time of Initial Impact: April 2024


Date/Time of Expected End: n/a


Length of Outage: n/a


Details/Specifics of Change: In February 2024, the GOES-R team will upgrade to the Enterprise version of the Shortwave Radiation (SWR) algorithm, bringing changes to the data output and production specifications.

Currently, the Baseline SWR algorithm produces the Reflected Shortwave Radiation (RSR) and Downward Shortwave Radiation (DSR) data products; however, the Enterprise SWR algorithm will also include a new product called Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), which is an important parameter used for ecosystem modeling. PAR separates the portion of DSR that falls into the visible spectrum utilized by underwater and terrestrial vegetation for photosynthesis

The transition to the Enterprise SWR will also include changes to both the projection and the spatial resolution of the Full Disk products, as well as the cadence. The current Baseline SWR products are produced hourly on a lat/lon grid at 50 km pixel resolution for the Full Disk. The new Enterprise Full Disk products will be generated every 10 minutes at 2km pixel resolution and mapped to the ABI fixed grid. This update will bring the SWR products in line with the rest of the ABI L2 products which are also mapped to the ABI fixed grid, as well as provide a significant improvement in the horizontal spatial resolution.

These updates will result in a notable increase in the size of the Full Disk products given the increased resolution, cadence, and the addition of PAR to the data output. The total daily volume for all SWR Full Disk products will increase from approximately 12 MB to 13 GB. More information on changes included in this update and details on data volume changes will be provided as we get closer to the promotion of the new Enterprise Shortwave Radiation algorithm. 

As a note, CONUS and Mesoscale sectors for the Shortwave Radiation products will remain unchanged from the current Baseline products.

Contact Information for Further Information: Please email Steve Superczynski at stephen.superczynski@noaa.gov; for 24x7 support, contact ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880 


Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A


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