CORRECTION TO UPDATE #11: February 20, 2024: Reset of VIIRS command processor which will result in an eight to ten hour loss of data between approximately 14:00 UTC - 22:00 UTC.
Update #12: All NOAA-20 OMPS Nadir Profiler (NP) SDRs and EDRs (V8Pro) products are approved for operational use and the NDE/PDA subscriptions for these products will be enabled at 21:00 UTC, February 15, 2024. Direct Broadcast (DB) users can use the equivalent OMPS NP Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) LEO products for operations.
Update #11: Analysis by the Engineering and Calibration/Validation Science teams shows issues with telemetry data being received from the NOAA-20 VIIRS and CrIS instruments. The instrument vendors are recommending rebooting the CrIS instrument and restarting the VIIRS command processor. Each activity will result in data losses of approximately eight to ten hours.