Topic: Weekly Operations Schedule - Week 35
Date/Time Issued: August 24, 2023 1503Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: See list below.
Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 31, 2023 0939Z
Date/Time of Expected End: See list below
Details/Specifics of Change:
Message number: | 10926 |
Message creation: | Thu Aug 24 14:55:46 UTC 2023 |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9204 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-01-31 09:39:00.0 |
Satellites: | Sentinel-3B |
Subsystem: | SRAL |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-degraded |
Detail: | Starting 31/01/2023 09:39:49 S3B will start performing SRAL external calibrations over a transponder site in Leonessa. To conduct this transponder pass, the on-board Digital Elevation Model (DEM) altitude value must be temporarily updated in RAM, and is reverted immediately after the pass. A short outage immediately before and after the pass will be introduced, and data should be considered degraded as per non-nominal acquisition mode, for a total duration of approx.27 seconds over the transponder location (42.61607° N, 13.03780° E) for all relative orbits number (RON) 306 - from cycle 75 (inclusive) onwards. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-01-25 17:19:20.0 |
Services: | SRAL Level 1 Products - S3B SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3B |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9205 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-02-02 10:28:00.0 |
Satellites: | Sentinel-3B |
Subsystem: | SRAL |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-degraded |
Detail: | Starting 02/02/2023 10:28:30 S3B will start performing SRAL external calibrations over a corner reflector site in Spain. To conduct this pass, the on-board Digital Elevation Model (DEM) altitude value must be temporarily updated in RAM, and is reverted immediately after the pass. A short outage immediately before and after the pass will be introduced, and data should be considered degraded as per non-nominal acquisition mode, for a total duration of approx.26 seconds over the transponder location (42.052°N, 0.7300° E) for all relative orbits number (RON) 335 - from cycle 75 (inclusive) onwards |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-01-25 17:19:08.0 |
Services: | SRAL Level 1 Products - S3B SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3B |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9258 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-02-14 20:35:00.0 |
Satellites: | Sentinel-3A |
Subsystem: | SRAL |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-degraded |
Detail: | Starting 14/02/2023 20:35:57 S3A will start performing SRAL external calibrations over a transponder in Leonessa, Italy. To conduct this transponder pass, the on-board Digital Elevation Model (DEM) altitude value must be temporarily updated in RAM, and is reverted immediately after the pass. A short outage immediately before and after the pass will be introduced, and data should be considered degraded as per non-nominal acquisition mode, for a total duration of approx.28 seconds over the transponder location (42.61607° N, 13.03780° E) for all relative orbits number (RON) 270 from cycle 95 (inclusive) onwards |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-02-08 09:22:43.0 |
Services: | SRAL Level 1 Products - S3A SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3A |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 9420 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-03-20 15:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-09-21 15:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-9 |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Detail: | From 20/03/2023, the daily Meteosat-9 Upper HRV Window shift time will change from 14:00 UTC to 15:00 UTC to better optimise the illumination for the Spring/Summer season. The 15:00 UTC shift time will remain in place until 21 September 2023 included. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-03-17 08:52:52.0 |
Services: | IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 9447 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-04-12 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | service-change |
Detail: | Data access from the Data Centre is being migrated to the Data Store, for easier and faster access. For full details, see the URL provided below. |
Revision History: | |
Url: | |
Issue Time: | 2023-03-29 13:44:49.0 |
Services: | EUMETSAT Data Centre |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9782 |
Rev: | 2 |
Start Time: | 2023-07-18 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | Please disregard the previous updated message. |
Revision History: | [Original] Following the release on EUMETCast of Level-1B NOAA-procured Spire Radio Occultation data processed by EUMETSAT, and L2 product generated by the ROM SAF, on 20 June 2023 (see URL provided below for reference), NOAA will switch from Spire to another data provider, PlanetiQ, on 18 July 2023, corresponding to the start of their next 6-month delivery order. As we need to adapt our processor to the new PlanetiQ data, a gap in the provision of NOAA commercial RO data is to be expected starting 18 July. An announcement will be issued as soon as we have a date for the start of dissemination of the new PlanetiQ data. [Rev.1] ROM SAF will restart providing L2 RO data based on NOAA L1B Commercial Radio Occultation data (this time based on PlanetIQ input) on the 21 August 2023. |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-21 14:19:02.0 |
Services: | ROM SAF - Products Commercial Radio Occultation data |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 9846 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-07-25 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Detail: | As the public release of the new MTG-I1 data is approaching, with the distribution of pre-operational FCI L1c data currently planned for October 2023, we have released a dedicated web page capturing all users need to know to get ready for accessing and using the data. For full details, see the URL provided below. |
Revision History: | |
Url: | |
Issue Time: | 2023-07-26 14:35:41.0 |
Services: |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9838 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-09 20:15:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-09-30 23:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-9 |
Subject: | eclipse-season |
Impact: | risk-of-degradation |
Detail: | There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 20:15 to 23:00 in the given time period. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-07-27 06:46:45.0 |
Services: | IODC SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data IODC Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Type: | Service Enhancement |
Ann Nr: | 9934 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-23 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-08-23 09:00:00.0 |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Detail: | Release of EUMETSAT Data Access Client (EUMDAC) 2.1.0. For full details on the new features introduced with this new version, see the URL provided below. |
Revision History: | |
Url: | |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-23 14:11:35.0 |
Services: |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9839 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-23 23:15:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-10-12 02:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-10 |
Subject: | eclipse-season |
Impact: | risk-of-degradation |
Detail: | There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 23:15 to 02:00 next day in the given time period. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-07-27 06:47:05.0 |
Services: | 0° SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data 0° Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9945 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-28 07:30:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-08-28 15:15:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B,Metop-C |
Subject: | ground-segment-maintenance |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | Due to a version upgrade on the EPS Product Generation Facility, there will be a risk of outage for all Metop global products during the system installation. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-24 14:22:16.0 |
Services: | SEM L0 - Metop-B AVHRR Level 1 - Metop-B AMSU-A Level 1 - Metop-B IASI Level 1 - Metop-B MHS Level 1 - Metop-B HIRS Level 1 - Metop-B ASCAT Level 1 - Metop-B GRAS Level 1 - Metop-B IASI Sounding Products - Metop-B GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-B ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-B Multi-Sensor Products - Metop-B AVHRR Polar Winds - Metop-B SEM L0 - Metop-C AVHRR Level 1 - Metop-C AMSU-A Level 1 - Metop-C IASI Sounding products- Metop-C ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-C AVHRR Polar winds - Metop-C Multi-sensor Products - Metop-C ASCAT Level 1 - Metop-C MHS Level 1 - Metop-C IASI Level 1 - Metop-C GRAS Level 1 - Metop-C GOME-2 Level 1 - Metop-C Multi-Metop Wind Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9940 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-28 09:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2024-01-01 00:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-C |
Subsystem: | ASCAT |
Subject: | general-announcement |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | Calibrations to support transponder test. Short outages of the ASCAT GDS Level 1, soil moisture and global and regional winds products can be expected, during satellite passes over Madrid |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-23 14:57:08.0 |
Services: | ASCAT Soil Moisture - Metop-C ASCAT Level 1 - Metop-C |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9840 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-28 22:30:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-10-15 00:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-11 |
Subject: | eclipse-season |
Impact: | risk-of-degradation |
Detail: | There is a risk of degraded image quality every night from 22:30 to 01:30 next day in the given time period. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-07-27 14:26:59.0 |
Services: | RSS Meteosat Meteorological Products RSS SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9935 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-29 05:58:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-08-29 05:59:00.0 |
Satellites: | MET-10 |
Subject: | in-plane-manoeuvre |
Impact: | data-degraded |
Detail: | East-West Station Keeping Manoeuvre. Users may experience degraded image quality and degraded meteorological product quality up to a few hours after the manoeuvre. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-23 14:22:48.0 |
Services: | 0° SEVIRI Level 1.5 Image Data 0° Meteosat Meteorological Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9936 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-29 08:36:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-08-29 08:43:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B |
Subsystem: | SEM |
Component: | MEPED |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | SEM MEPED in flight calibration. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-23 14:28:27.0 |
Services: | SEM L0 - Metop-B SEM AHRPT Metop-B |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9937 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-29 08:36:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-08-29 10:19:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B |
Subsystem: | SEM |
Component: | TED |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | SEM TED in flight calibration. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-23 14:28:55.0 |
Services: | SEM L0 - Metop-B SEM AHRPT Metop-B |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9939 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-29 09:30:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-08-29 09:37:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-C |
Subsystem: | SEM |
Component: | MEPED |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | SEM MEPED in flight calibration. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-23 14:31:31.0 |
Services: | SEM L0 - Metop-C SEM AHRPT Metop-C |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9941 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-29 10:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-08-30 18:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | NOAA-19 |
Subject: | ground-segment-maintenance |
Impact: | risk-of-interruption |
Detail: | Due to NOAA ground segment maintenance, there is a risk of interruptions to NOAA-19 data reception in the following maintenance windows: 29 August between 10:00 and 18:00 UTC, and on 30 August between 10:00 and 18:00 UTC. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-24 07:07:15.0 |
Services: | AVHRR Level 1 - NOAA AMSU-A Level 1 - NOAA MHS Level 1 - NOAA HIRS Level 1 - NOAA ATOVS Sounding products - NOAA |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9933 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-30 08:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-08-30 12:00:00.0 |
Subject: | ground-segment-maintenance |
Impact: | data-delayed |
Detail: | Data Centre archive maintenance. During this time, catalogue updates may be delayed. Users are invited to check out the Data Store ( |
Revision History: | |
Url: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-23 13:58:45.0 |
Services: | EUMETSAT Data Centre |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9932 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-31 00:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-08-31 00:00:00.0 |
Satellites: | Sentinel-3B |
Subject: | instrument-special-operation |
Impact: | data-degraded |
Detail: | The exact times of the degradation will be announced closer to the day of the OLCI lunar calibration. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-23 11:10:29.0 |
Services: | OLCI Level 1 Products - S3B OLCI Level 2 Marine Products - S3B SLSTR Level 2 Marine Products - S3B SLSTR Level 1 Products - S3B SLSTR Level 2 Atmospheric Products - S3B SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3B SRAL Level 1 Products - S3B |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9930 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-31 07:19:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-08-31 07:30:00.0 |
Satellites: | Sentinel-3B |
Subject: | in-plane-manoeuvre |
Impact: | data-degraded |
Detail: | Reduced data quality should be expected for data sensed during this period. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-23 10:15:38.0 |
Services: | SLSTR Level 1 Products - S3B SLSTR Level 2 Marine Products - S3B SLSTR Level 2 Atmospheric Products - S3B SRAL Level 1 Products - S3B SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3B |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9931 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-08-31 08:00:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-08-31 08:11:00.0 |
Satellites: | Sentinel-3A |
Subject: | in-plane-manoeuvre |
Impact: | data-degraded |
Detail: | Reduced data quality should be expected for data sensed during this period. |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-23 10:16:47.0 |
Services: | SLSTR Level 2 Marine Products - S3A SLSTR Level 1 Products - S3A SLSTR Level 2 Atmospheric Products - S3A SRAL Level 1 Products - S3A SRAL Level 2 Marine Products - S3A |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9938 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-09-02 05:12:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-09-02 09:10:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B |
Subsystem: | IASI |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | External Calibration |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-23 14:30:07.0 |
Services: | IASI Level 1 - Metop-B IASI Sounding Products - Metop-B EARS-IASI IASI AHRPT Metop-B OSI SAF - Products |
Type: | Planned Maintenance |
Ann Nr: | 9942 |
Rev: | 0 |
Start Time: | 2023-09-03 14:21:00.0 |
End Time: | 2023-09-04 08:04:00.0 |
Satellites: | Metop-B |
Subsystem: | IASI |
Subject: | instrument-calibration |
Impact: | data-unavailable |
Detail: | External Calibration (Moon intrusion) |
Revision History: | |
Status: | scheduled |
Issue Time: | 2023-08-24 11:41:07.0 |
ReplyReply allForward |