Update #1: This GOES-16 MDS Meso-2 has been canceled. (Space launch has been postponed)

Topic: GOES-16 MDS Meso-2 

Date/Time Issued: August 24, 2023 0510Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted:  GOES-16 MDS Meso-2

Requested Center Point: 31N/82W

Date/Time Initial Impact: August 25, 2023 0700Z  J/Day 237

Date/Time of Expected End:  August 25, 2023 0815Z  J/Day 237

Length of Event: 1 Hours and 15 min

Requester: Southern Region Headquarters
Priority: 27 Research Request

Details/Specifics of Change:  Per the Spaceflight Meteorology Group.....the overlap of GOES East MESO 2 and  
 GOES West MESO 2 is to obtain stereo imaging pairs for research on the launch plume.

Web Site(s) for Applicable Information:  Sdm Total Operational Weather Readiness - Satellites (TOWR-S) Virtual Lab Forum http://vlab.noaa.gov/web/towr-s/mmm/-/message_boards/view_message/31207271 VLab.Notifications@noaa.gov