Correction: Date/Time of Initial Impact: August 15, 2023 0042Z
Topic: SARSAT Hawaii LUT Outage
Date/Time Issued: August 15, 2023 0305Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: Hawaii Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), Hawaii 3 and Hawaii 4 Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Ground Stations
Date/Time of Initial Impact: August 15, 2023 0042Z
Date/Time of Expected End: TBD
Length of Outage: TBD
Details/Specifics of Change: The USMCC lost communications with the Hawaii Ground Station site. A Local technician has been dispatched by the LUT Vendor.
Impact: Medium - Western Pacifica Search and Rescue region's MEOSAR and LEOSAR distress detection/reporting are delayed. GEOSAR is nominal.
Contact Information for Further Information: USMCC Operations at 301-817-4576
Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: N/A