Topic: DSCOVR Mission Elapsed Time (MET) Rollover
Date/Time Issued: August 01, 2023 1846Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: DSCOVR Instruments
Date/Time of Initial Impact: 15 August 2023 1310Z
Date/Time of Expected End: 15 August 2023 1740Z
Length of Outage: Instrument outage varies, see detail outage below.
Details/Specifics of Change:
The DSCOVR Mission Elapsed Timer (MET) Rollover is expected to occur on 15 August at 144048Z, where the MET will roll back to its pre-launch time of 2015 February 12 171632Z. The DSCOVR instruments will be powered off and command the satellite in Safe Hold prior to the MET Rollover. After the MET Rollover and updated spacecraft clock time to the current time, DSCOVR will be commanded back to Science Mode and power on all instruments. The primary customer, NOAA/NWS Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC), will switch over to ACE as primary source during the DSCOVR MET Rollover event.
Estimated outage for DSCOVR instruments
Magnetometer - 1 hour 28 minutes
Faraday Cup - 3 hours 10 minutes
ESA - 3 hours 40 minutes
EPIC - 14 hours (imaging will resume following day)
NISTAR - TBD (~48 hours, takes a few days due to thermal limitations)
Contact information for further information: ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880 24x7 .
Web Site(s) for Applicable Information: N/A