Update #2: Engineering commenced instrument science data activation activities today and will continue through the next few days. The S-NPP spacecraft remains power positive and all communications elements are functional.
ATMS was placed in operational mode at 20:14:13 UTC. CERES was placed in operational mode at ~20:30 UTC. OMPS was placed in operational mode at 23:15 UTC. VIIRS and CrIS will be activated over the next two days. Cal/Val teams are focusing their analysis on observed data following this timeline.
Full product recovery is expected to require approximately 1 week. This science data will be available through GRAVITE, NCCF, CLASS and NDE I&T through which the Cal/Val teams and PALs can perform their full analysis. Although the HRD transmitter remains on, Direct Broadcast (DB) users are advised that science data is not available.
PDA OPS subscriptions for all S-NPP science products have been disabled. S-NPP science product subscriptions will be activated for distribution through PDA OPS after each product is cleared for operations by the product recovery team. TLEs and Rev-num files for S-NPP will still be distributed as they are made available. Users who have any questions may directly contact OSPO’s JPSS Data Operations Manager at henok.amenu@noaa.gov and include the ESPC Help Desk on the cc line (ESPCOperations@noaa.gov).
Update #1: After further investigation, the SNPP spacecraft entered a non-nominal state at ~02:03:22 UTC on Jul 26, 2023. S-NPP is in Mission Point mode and all instruments are currently in a safe mode state. Engineering will continue to restore all instruments and science data. Although the HRD transmitter remains on, Direct Broadcast (DB) users are advised that science data is not available.
All missed data will not be recoverable. No data is available starting at 01:56:11 UTC, July 26, 2023 (Rev #60846).
The NOAA-20 spacecraft (the primary satellite) will continue to provide all the primary JPSS science data needs. Users are advised that when instruments are recovered, products will not be available from PDA until the products are checked out by the instrument and calibration and validation teams. Users who have any questions may directly contact OSPO’s JPSS Data Operations Manager at henok.amenu@noaa.gov and include the ESPC Help Desk on the cc line (ESPCOperations@noaa.gov).
Topic: SNPP data outage/delay, SVL Rev 60847
Date/Time Issued: July 27, 2023 1547Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: All SNPP products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: July 26, 2023 0336Z
Date/Time of Expected End: TBD
Length of Outage: TBD
Details/Specifics of Change: SVL Rev 60847 no TLM/Data was received. Data will be recovered on the next rev 60848.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov and 301-817-3880.