Update #1: Amazon web services is recovering as of June 13, 2023 2120Z. Products are returning to normal.

Topic:  AWS service interruption


Date/Time Issued:  June 13, 2023 2140Z


Product(s) or Data Impacted:  All products created in NCCF. 


Date/Time of Initial Impact:  June 13, 2023 1930Z


Date/Time of Expected End:  TBD


Length of Event:  TBD


Details/Specifics of Change:  AWS is experiencing a service interruption and we may experience intermittent service interruptions with product availability. Multiple products may be missing or late – team is still assessing the extent of the problem.

Affected Product list:


•           Blended Products

o          Autosnow

o          GBBEPx

•           Clouds

o          Himawari-8 Clouds

o          Metop-B/C Clouds

o          SNPP/N20/N21 (JPSS) Clouds

•           Flood Mapping

o          VIIRS Flood Map

•           GPM L1 BUFR

•           Hyperspectral Enterprise Algorithm Products (HEAP)

o          HEAP IASI NUCAPS & BUFR Products

o          JPSS CrIS & ATMS SDR KPP BUFR Products

o          JPSS HEAP NUCAPS L2 Products

•           Imagery

o          Himawari-9 Imagery

•           Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS)

o          Metop-B/C MIRS/SFR & GPM MIRS

o          SNPP/N20/N21 MIRS & SFR [Coming Soon]

•           RainRate

o          Himawari-8 RainRate

•           Scatterometer Products

o          Metop-B/C ASCAT Daily Ice - Products page

o          Metop-B/C ASCAT Winds - Products page

•           Sea Surface Temperature

o          Himawari-8 ACSPO SST

o          Metop-B/C ACSPO SST