Topic: MIRS Metop/GPM products upgrade to v11.9
Date/Time Issued: May 20, 2023 1222 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: MIRS Metop/GPM products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: June 20, 2023
Date/Time of Expected End: June 20, 2023
Length of Outage: N/A
Details/Specifics of Change:
MIRS Metop/GPM products will be upgraded to v11.9 on June 20, 2023. The PDA short names and product file names will remain the same during this upgrade. Please make a note on the version number change in filename. The test products have been available on PDA I&T now. Users can start subscribing to these data products from PDA I&T.
Impact on users: Yes
No PDA shortname change. Filename changes are listed in the table:
PDA ShortName |
Platform |
Product FileName |
Old Name |
NPR-MIRS-IMG_v11r6_(ma1/ma3) |
New Name |
NPR-MIRS-IMG_v11r9_(ma1/ma3) |
Metop-B/C |
Old Name |
NPR-MIRS-SND_v11r6_(ma1/ma3) |
New Name |
NPR-MIRS-SND_v11r9_(ma1/ma3) |
Old Name | |
New Name | |
Old Name | |
New Name | |
List of Scientific Changes:
1.Updates to the snowfall rate (SFR) algorithm software including (1) Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) machine learning Snowfall Detection algorithms for JPSS-2/NOAA-21, NOAA-20, S-NPP, NOAA-19, Metop-C and Metop-B, (2) updated Neural Network machine learning Ice Water Path initialization and SFR bias correction for JPSS-2/NOAA-21, NOAA-20, S-NPP, NOAA-19, Metop-C and Metop-B, (3) new SFR low limit set at 0.05 mm/h and high limit at 6 mm/h, and (4) Metop-A processing removed.
2.Implementation of a new and up to date higher-resolution (0.05 degree lat/lon) land/water surface type database derived from global VIIRS data. The surface type at each satellite observation location also accounts for the satellite field of view (FOV) size. This replaces the previous and out of date 1/6th degree resolution database.
Please note: This upgrade will not be performed during Critical Weather Day (CWD).
Also, the contents of this release are subject to change based on user readiness, customer feedback, and management approval.
Additional ESPC notifications will provide further details and updates concerning this release. User feedback and questions should be directed to Liqun Ma (
Contact Information: For information on the status of this work, Please contact Liqun Ma or ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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