Topic: GOES-18 software build/patch (PR.12.02.00) implementation
Date/Time Issued: May 3, 2023 1854 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-18 ABI L2+ products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: May 18, 2023
Date/Time of Expected End: N/A
Length of Outage: N/A
Details/Specifics of Change: On May 18, 2023, the PR.12.02.00 software patch will update the Fast Planck tables used by the GOES-18 ABI L2 algorithms. Previously, all GOES-R satellites were using values that were calculated for GOES-16. This update will result in a minor improvement to many of the derived L2 products for GOES-18 (i.e. no change to imagery); but most notably, it will resolve the misclassification of water clouds as ice clouds that occurs near the edges of some clouds in the GOES-18 Enterprise Cloud Phase product.
There will be no change to the tables for GOES-16, and therefore no change to the quality of the GOES-16 ABI L2 products.
Contact Information for Further Information: Please email Steve Superczynski at; ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880 24x7
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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