Topic: GOES-14/15/16/17 Spring 2023 Solar RFI predicted times are now available
Date/Time Issued: March 1, 2023 1332 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-14/15/16/17 Imager and Sounder Data plus Ancillary Services (GVAR, SAR, LRIT, EMWIN, DCS, GRB, etc.)
Date/Time of Initial Impact: February 23, 2023 2034 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: March 9, 2023 2151 UTC
Length of Outage: See table in details.
Details/Specifics of Change: The potential for solar radio frequency interference (RFI) with a satellite downlink circuit will occur whenever the Sun passes into the beam of the ground station receiving antenna.
We received the following information from our Mission Operations Division concerning the potential for outages of the GOES data stream including GVAR (GOES Variable) Imager and Sounder, SAR (Search and Rescue), High Rate Information Transmission (HRIT), Sensor Data (SD), Telemetry and Command (T&C), Weather Facsimile (WEFAX), Data Collection Platform Report (DCPR), Multi-use data link (MDL), Raw Data Link (RDL), etc.
The Wallops and Fairbanks Command and Data Acquisition Stations (CDAs) and Environmental Satellite Processing Center (ESPC) receiving antennas may experience periods of Solar RFI as predicted below. Solar RFI can cause loss of telemetry lock and command capability, as well as degradation or loss in the GVAR data.
Solar RFI predicted times for Spring 2023:
GOES-14 1 MAR - 8 MAR 1934 - 1945Z WALLOPS T&C
1 MAR - 8 MAR 1935 - 1944Z SUITLAND
1 MAR - 8 MAR 1932 - 1943Z FAIRMONT
GOES-15 2 MAR - 8 MAR 2101 - 2112Z WALLOPS T&C **
1 MAR - 8 MAR 2100 - 2111Z SUITLAND
23 FEB - 2 MAR 2034 - 2045Z FAIRBANK
1 MAR - 8 MAR 2059 - 2110Z FAIRMONT
GOES-16 1 MAR - 8 MAR 1707 - 1718Z WALLOPS RDL, GRB, T&C, HRIT, DCPC,
1 MAR - 8 MAR 1706 - 1717Z SUITLAND SAR
1 MAR - 8 MAR 1704 - 1716Z FAIRMONT
GOES-17 1 MAR - 8 MAR 1920 - 1931Z WALLOPS RDL, GRB, T&C
1 MAR - 8 MAR 1919 - 1930Z SUITLAND
1 MAR - 8 MAR 1918 - 1929Z FAIRMONT
GOES-18 2 MAR - 9 MAR 2140 - 2151Z WALLOPS RDL, GRB, T&C, HRIT, DCPC,
2 MAR - 9 MAR 2140 - 2151Z SUITLAND SAR
2 MAR - 8 MAR 2139 - 2150Z FAIRMONT
** GVAR, MDL & SD will be activated on March 7.
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information:
See for this and other satellite-related messages.
See for full GOES scanning schedules and scan sectors.
See for more GVAR information.
See for Direct Services Branch (DSB) information.
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