Update #2 The handovers on March 1, 2023 that will return the Operational baseline to DO.11.02.00 are scheduled to take place at 1501 UTC for GOES-16 and 1801 UTC for GOES-18. Once each handover is complete, the software updates in the table below will be reinstated for the respective satellite.
Update #1: The handover that will result in a reversion of the DO software baseline for GOES-16 and GOES-18, as outlined in the initial notice, is scheduled to occur between 1800 - 2000 UTC on January 30, 2023.
Topic: Temporary Reversion of GOES-R Software Baseline
Date/Time Issued: February 28, 2023 1620 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-16/18 ABI, SEISS, and SUVI L1b products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 30, 2023 1800 - 2000 UTC
Date/Time of Expected End: March 1, 2023; 1501 UTC (GOES-16), 1801 UTC (GOES-18)
Length of Outage: 30 days
Details/Specifics of Change: On January 30th, 2023 a Data Operations (DO) handover supporting GOES-R Ground System maintenance and testing will cause the current software baseline (DO.11.02.00) to be reverted back to the previous baseline (DO.09.07.00) until March 1, 2023. The result of this will be the reversion of product updates to ABI Sectorized Cloud Moisture and Imagery (SCMI), SGPS Helium, and SUVI Radiance products. The details of the changes that will be reverted for this 1-month period are detailed in the table below.
Additional details and justification of the SCMI product changes have been communicated by the National Weather Services for data distributed via the NOAAPort program. Please visit the link below to view the Service Change Notice (SCN).
Contact Information for Further Information: Please email Steve Superczynski at stephen.superczynski@noaa.gov; ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880 24x7
Web Site(s) for applicable information:
See https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Operations/messages.html for this and other satellite related messages.
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