Topic: Operational Implementation of the AutoSnow Daily Snow and Ice products in NCCF (NESDIS Common Cloud Framework)
Date/Time Issued: January 17, 2023 1615 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: AutoSnow GMASI Daily Snow and Ice Products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: February 22, 2023 TBD
Date/Time of Expected End: February 22, 2023 TBD
Length of Event: TBD
Details/Specifics of Change:
ESPC has implemented the upgraded Global Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (GMASI-Autosnow) in the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment in the NCCF. The daily snow and ice products are now available on PDA I&T and the short names are provided below. ESPC plans to transition the AutoSnow product generation into the NCCF operational production (PROD) environment on February 22, 2023. The AutoSnow GMASI product files in NetCDF and GRIB2 will be distributed on the PDA starting on February 22, 2023.
ESPC will retire the legacy AutoSnow products in approximately three months after the upgraded AutoSnow system is declared operational in NCCF. Users should begin making the necessary updates to their processing/operations on February 22, 2023. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Contact Information: For information please contact Aiwu Li at or ESPC Operations at or 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information: N/A
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