Update #1: All of the missing SMD data has been successfully recovered. Please close notice.
Topic: NOAA-20 Data Outage
Date/Time Issued: January 05, 2023 1348Z
Product(s) or Data Impacted: All NOAA-20 Products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: 01/05/23 1236z
Date/Time of Expected End: 01/05/23 1325z
Duration: 49 mins.
Details: During NOAA-20: SVL Rev #26590 did not receive the expected Science data as scheduled. All of the missing SMD Data is expected to be recovered during the upcoming McMurdo contact Rev #26590..
Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov or 301-817-3880
Web Site(s) for applicable information:
See https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Operations/messages.html for this and other satellite related messages.
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