Update #1: Maintenance activity on the Dedicated Private Cloud(DPC) Network has been rescheduled to Friday January 14, 2022. The activity will be executed at one of the following two time windows: 15:45 -16:25 and 16:45 - 17:20 UTC.
Topic: Possible JPSS Data delay due to IDPS Maintenance
Date/Time Issued: January 13, 2022 1710 UTC
Product(s) or Data Impacted: NOAA-20, NPP and GCOM products
Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 14, 2022 15:45 -16:25 and 16:45 - 17:20.
Date/Time of Expected End: January 14, 2022 1720 UTC
Length of Outage: NA
Details/Specifics of Change:
IDPS will be performing a maintenance activity on the Dedicated Private Cloud(DPC) Network and some data may be delayed on NOAA-20, NPP and GCOM. All impacted data due to this activity will be recovered after completion. The activity will be executed at one of the following two time windows: 15:45 -16:25 and 16:45 - 17:20 UTC.
User feedback and questions should be directed to Henok Amenu: henok.amenu@noaa.gov
Contact Information: For information on the status of this work, please contact Henok Amenu: henok.amenu@noaa.gov or ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@noaa.gov
Web Site(s) for applicable information: NA
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